Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not Homeless!

Hey everydog! We found a house and started moving in on Thursday and if you really crane your neck, you can see the bay from the front step! Woot! It's a really cute little bungalow - it's a little small, but it's super nice and my mom loves it and I like it because it's bigger than the condo which was really tiny. I'll post some pics later because my mom said she's too busy to find the camera right now. Whatever. When she finally gets off her lazy ass, I'll post pics of the trip!


Lizzy said...


OMDog, you found a new home!! And you can see the bay? WOW, how cool is that?! I can't wait to see pictures!

I hope you're having a grrrrEAT weekend my friend,


Duke said...

Your new home sounds fabulous, Ike! We can't wait to see pictures!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

pam said...

Uh Ike you probably shouldn't say bad words about yer mommy. She's the one that controls the treats!

We're so glad you found a home. My auntie is in Warshington if you see her say hi. k bye

Bobo and Meja

Achieve1dream said...

Yay! Congrats!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yippeeee...we were getting a bit worried!
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We khan't wait to see it AND some pikhs too!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I am so happy to know you are no longer a homeless!
I know you are happy at your new place!
I will be waiting to see pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Thanks goodness. I was worried about you having to wash car windshields at intersections to earn your kibbles money.


Mack said...

That is great news Ike! The cats are still gonna live in the bathroom, right?

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Oh that's great news Ike. Now you can have a housewarming pawty!


doyle and mollie said...

that's great news ike - woof hoo

Deefor said...

Your new house sounds really nice. We live in tiny places too. Good thing we're small doggies. You'll have to meet all the dogs in the neighborhood.


Oakley and Swisher said...

We are glad you aren't homeless Ike!

Lots of Licks,
Swish and Oak

dw said...

Glad you have a home, Ike!!

wally said...

Oh Ike, I can't wait to see about your Big Move and your New Bungalow. When I moved from coast to coast my ma ape kept a picture of me peeing on every state we stopped in.

wally t.

Peanut said...

glad you are getting settle in. Did you end up with a yard?

Martha said...

Wow! How exciting! We are (finally) moving to Portland for my Dad's job sometime in the next few months. We'll only be a state away now!!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Congrats on the new home! our mom has a very good friend that lives there. She visited her years ago and remembers lots of rain! (it was in summer) Beautiful country.

wally said...

Ike! I hope you're having a great time and taking over Barkingham.

wally t.

ps. I just read about your Xanax and partying. My brudder has some social anxiety issues, is it actual Xanax that you're taking? My ma ape knows she needs to work w/him on behavioral stuff but it's really hard because he gets fear aggression and scares peoples (even though he's really a softie).