Friday, August 21, 2009

Why do I have this name?

Ok, so I was cruising blogs just now and I started thinking about names. One name in particular struck me - Mango - because how does such a huge and intimidating stud get such an uh, delicate name like Mango. So, I'm starting a meme - Why do I have this name!
Naturally, I'll start: I came from Boston terrier rescue and my name at the puppy mill was Chance which is about the least fitting name for me on the planet. So they changed my name to Pepper Jack which is uber not flattering - I mean come on! And when my mom and dad came to get me, they wanted to name me Donnie after Donnie in The Big Lebowski on account of my bulgy eyes. But they noticed that I was used to be called Jack which they thought didn't suit me, so on the ride home it was down to Zeke or Ike because they thought the K sound was important for me. Anyway, they decided on Ike for no particular reason and now that's who I am. To this day, my mom still wishes they would have gone with Donnie because she thinks it matches my personality. I think I'm tough like an Ike but not like Ike Turner.
Still no pics because still no home computer because Dad took it and my mom's is still broken.

So I challenge a few Bostons to this meme because I'm kinda racist like that: Joe Stains and Doofus, Mack and his lovely lady Ruby Bleu , and Murphy my foul mouthed friend.


Checkers & Chess said...

I like Ike!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Yes, woo are SO Ike....


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I've been wondering about Mango, too... But we like Ike!

*kissey face*

Lorenza said...

Donnie sounds nice but I prefer Ike!
Kisses and hugs

Ziggy Stardust said...

You are so Ike, it suits you perfectly. I hope the umm huge one doesn't take offense to the delicate remark about his name. Twix has a name game going too, it is a lot of fun to find out where everyone got their names.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Duke said...

We can't imagine you with any other name but Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Oh course I am named after the Saturday Night Live character, Mango, because everybody loves Mango. It is a very studly name.

I can't imagine you being anydoggie other than Ike, but it is fun to hear how you got your name and what you might have been.

My brother and sissy-in-law are struggling with what to name their new puppy. I think they could call him just about anything and after a while it would make sense because it would be his name.


Heather and Pumpkin said...

We want handsome pictures!!!


Mack said...

I think Ike fits you perfectly!
My first name from the breeders was "Thunder" and mom didn't think it fit me. (My sister's name was "Storm")heehee

And as a pup I was quite a large little guy and I reminded her of a Mack truck! So the rest in history!!

Sophie Brador said...

Ike! You're moving?! Far away from me? Washington state is beautiful though. My mom has been there lots, because she is from the west. Maybe you can go to that Twin Peaks town where Wally was adopted.

I think Donnie should be your middle name.


wally said...

I like Ike, too! I like your name, though Donnie is pretty funny. This is a great meme and I might do it even though I am not a Boston! Take that!

wally t.

ps. My ma ape and I would very much like to pack up and move ot WA with you. Where in WA are you moving to?

Peanut said...

Ike's a great name. What is this stuff Sophie is talking about you moving? Info man info.

wally said...


Barkingham is close to Seattle AND Vancouver! Pawesome! My ma ape didn't spend a lot of time there but heard great things about it and the views are spectacular. And it is not too hot, not too cold. I think you're gonna love it, dude!

wally t.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ike is sounding pretty good.
Benny & Lily
We like Mango

Ruby Bleu said...

Donnie, eh? I think you are totally an Ike...I like Ike!!!

Please tell your Mom thanks for the kind words about my eyeball issue. My Mom knew the second they said ulcer that we shouldn't be playing any guess I'm getting my eyeballs frozen next week!

Thanks for tagging me!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

we like ike - it fits you - but donnie would have been cool too - several of us have done this already recently - with our names and nicknames

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Ike, I like your name! The first pug my mom ever knew was named Ike, and he is the reason she wanted a pug!
Thanks for starting this fun meme!

Deefor said...

I think Ike fits you perfectly..To me you look like Ike. Guess we grow into our names cause Mango always seems like his name too.
My name and Arrow's name are compromises cause my humans couldn't agree on much else. (Deefor is from D for dog-- kinda silly)


Murphy Dogg said...

I like Ike better than Donnie, even though that movie was cool. The name Donnie makes me think of Donnie Osmond and Donnie Wahlberg.
You're way cooler than that.

Huskee and Hershey said...

No no... no Donnie.. Ike sounds much better! Cool and tough like you!

Tadpole said...

I like Ike, as everyone else already said. I can see Donnie too, though.

I played the game even though I am not a wicked cool Boston like you and my sister. ;-)