Saturday, March 21, 2009

Movies, Movies, La La La

Ok, so first, I have a little splaining to do - my mom and my dad both had broken computers, so I couldn't look at any of my friends' blogs for like a week or something. It was pretty much a nightmare.
But this post is really about movies! The first movie was shot by the web cam today and it's about howling. Last night, we were driving over to my Auntie Kathryn's and Uncle Ansel's house for pizza night (hey, did I mention they finally got engaged!) and I was super excited and my parents started to howl because they are totes weird. And then it happened - I started to howl like a wolf! And then today, my grandma came over and the rents wanted to show Grandma my sweet howling, so all three of them started to howl and I got into it too, but not as much as last night.

And this second movie my mom just found on my dad's computer and it's about what me and my dad did when my mom was away in Cali a couple of months ago. She was shocked, but we were just being dudes!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Your howling video made my day!
I love it!
Then, the other video where you and Odin share the food is great too!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Seriously, my parents fail at being cool on so many levels. Your parents ROCK. and howl! I am so impressed.

Duke said...

OMG, we were rolling on the floor watching your howling video, Ike! Mom says you are just way too cute for your own good!
Mitch and I had hamburgers this past week! Aren't they just the best?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

OMG is right! How humiliating. I am sure you only piped in to help divert attention from your dorky rents.

Now, special dude time, that makes sense.


Mack said...

Was that a wolf or Ike? I couldn't tell!
While the mom's away the dudes will play....

Duke said...

Hey Ike! Can you do us a favor! The Bumpass Hounds
need you to sign their blog guestbook because you live in MN and they want doggies from all 50 states to sign - it's that simple!
Thank you in advance!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mason Dixie said...

you did a great job howling, mom tries to get me to do it sometimes, but it is just too amusing to listen to her that I can not join in. =)

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
Awesome howling! I'm gonna have to get my parents to try that sometime.
Murphy Dogg

Ruby Bleu said...

That was the bestest video should win an Oscar or something!!!

I want to howl now too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Poppy said...

I love the howling video! I only howl very rarely.


Jen and Suki said...

Ike, I almost joined in but there wasn't quite enough time (much to my mom's disappointment). Instead I made some gurgle noises and it was kind of embarrassing.

Dude, you are so lucky you got hamburgers. I am going to move back to St. Paul so I can live with you and get the royal treatment.

Tadpole said...

OMD Ikes! My girl SERIOUSLY could not stop laughing at your face during the howling video!!! It's kinda embarrassing - she's sitting here all alone in the apartment, laughing and laughing to herself while watching your video. Humans....

Petra said...

Ike, you are SO cute howling ~~~ and so are your parents! This video is the best.

wally said...

Ike--I do that singing, too! Well, I used to. Now it makes me cough a lot . My apes learned that I could sing in the middle of the night when I heard a siren and I started howling around 3 a.m. And now they sometimes watch Cops to see if I will howl with the sirens.

Long story short, we should record an album.

wally t.