Yep, it's true - I forgot my 1st anniversary, and that makes me the worst dog in the world.
So here it is, my public apology.
My dear, sweet love Martha,
I am so sorry I forgot our anniversary. I know it's no excuse, but my mom and dad were really caught up in the election, and I think I got a little excited too. I know your mom and dad are caught up with the new puppy, and you still remembered, so that makes me ultra crappy. So I wrote you a poem:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Martha is the prettiest dog in the whole wide world and I am a huge jerk
I love you, and I'm really sorry.
Here is a picture of how sorry I am - can you see I've been crying?

And on a slightly unrelated topic, the Obama's should totally get a Boston terrier! Come on - we're adorable, easy keepers who are totally all American! Does it get any better?
Oh, and I started another blog that I won't keep up on!
Oh poor Ikes...
I forgive you or at least I would forgive you with such an apology.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I am sure martha will forgive you after that lovely poem.
Oh dear... You must feel horrible... But I'm sure that Martha will forgive you, so please don't feel too bad... Your sad face makes me want to cry!
That is just about the saddest face ever. I know I would forgive you.
Poor Ike.. I am sure Martha will forgive you with your very public apology. Oh dear, and I am sure her heart will melt if she saw the pic of you crying..
Who could not forgive that face! We forgive you, Ike!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Ike! I'm sure she'll forgive you. Who couldn't love a face like that!
Hi Ike
You look so sad. That look usually works for me.
I'm going to check out your new blog. We're happy about Obama too. And can't wait to see who the lucky doggie is.
Oh! Poor Ike. I'm sure Martha will forgive you. How could you stay mad at a face like that? And it's not even like you pooped on the rug and your people forgive you when you do that, right?
wally t.
ps. The Obamas are going to adopt ME. I know it!
I think that was a good start on the road to apologizing. That Martha Girl is so TOTALLY into you, though, that I bet she won't shun you for more than a month or so!
Goober love,
Yes! Big Red found a home about a month ago---woo hoo!
wally t.
Oh Ike, you look so sad. I bet your wife will forgive you!
Love Clover xo
Hey Ike,
Glad to see you're back after all that election craziness!
And thanks for schooling me on the anniversary thing, I had no idea! Now that I got me a girl, I gotta remember that stuff.
Murphy Dogg
I don't get it. I thought it was your job to forget your anniversary.
I forgive you! And one of these days Mom will mail your pressies. Love, Martha
Hi Ike,
You remind me of my canine friend who is also a boston terrier and his name is Gus. He used to stay over at my place while we were in Korea and now he's back to Texas. Anyway, my Missus likes you.
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