Here are the rules: Make 3 confessions (Conan O'Brien style) with the pictures to prove them. Then nominate at least 3 friends to do the same!
Naturally, I'll begin.
Secret #1
I love to cuddle with Odin. He's so soft and squishy and warm and hardly ever moves. Plus, he smells good.

Secret #2
I get belly-button lint every day, and it collects at my actual belly button!

This is my third and final secret, and it's pretty embarrassing.
I am MISSING a nipple! I don't know where it went.

I nominate Joe Stains and Doofus Tanner, Lorenza, Peanut and Mango-Man Oh YEAH!
You don't need nipples, Ike, so we figure that this is no great loss to you! Those pictures of you and Odin are just adorable!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That's a good challenge. I will have to think on it. Might take me a few days as momma has the sickies and claims to be too "under the weather" to help me right now.
That belly button lint looks mighty tasty.
Belly button lint? I have a belly button - OMD...I need to go look right now!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Ike, we realized we havent come to see you! Good grief. In the good old days when we just lurked and read, it was easier. We love the fact that you live in a cold place amd hate it. And your tongue-bet you get miststaken for Gene Simmons all the time. Our favorite pic is you in your winter scarf(we know there is a name for those-can't think of it tho) Muffler?
Come by sometime if you'd like. You're cool.
Sunny,Scooter&Jamie(the biped)
Thats going to be a fun challenge! Your a great snuggler!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Ohmydog this is a great game! And I am so glad I am privy to such shocking secrets about you!
wally t.
Hi, Ike!
OMD! A challenge! I like them!
Thanks for tagging me to do it!
I have a secret about nipples too!
Kisses and hugs
omdog, we will do this tomorrow?! How do you lose a nipple?! WTF?
Hey Ike,
Belly button lint and a missing nipple?? Someone call the National Enquirer, this is even crazier than Brangelina's 10 kids!
Murphy Dogg
Oh man Ike, this post was too funny!
Sweet secrets, Ike! I love the pics of you and Odin. He's a beautiful cat, and you're a gorgeous dog!
I love your pics so much I have you on my desktop. It's the one where you are sticking out your tongue and saying "FU GOP!" Ha! I love that one, and share your Mom's sentimetns that she made known in her reply. Thanks Emily, that rant made my day! One needs to hear they aren't alone, living in a red state as I do! ;-) ~Darcy
Belly lint!! Oh my.. first time I heard of this!!
I love the pics of you cuddling up with Odin.. oh and I hope you find the missing *ahem* nipple..
I never got the nipple thing! I'm not sure I even have any myself! *sigh* lol!
I will do this asap. Just have to think of 3 secrets.
Good secrets. I didn't know I had a belly button. Now I gotta check it out. Hope I can find it.
But wait - how did you lose your nipple?! Will I lose one of mine?!?! OMD - now I'm WORRIED!!!
Hi Ike!
Those are some interesting secrets. I particularly love the first one. We almost fainted from cuteness!!!
Love Clover xo
How do you know where your belly button is? I've never seen mine!
My mommy has to clean lint out of my belly button all the time too. Maybe your nipple got lost in your belly button with the lint.
Frenchie SNorts
we totally did our secrets dude
That's like way TMI, Ike...especially about the nipples part. LOL! Gee, I didn't even know we had belly buttons! I'm going to look right now.
Ike! You are snuggling a cat? Are you aware that white thing is a cat?
We just love the pictures of you and Odin snuggling.
Boy n Baby
Hey, Ike!
You have been very frank with all of us... especially that nipple revelation. WHOA! I am in awe of your emotional vulnerability. I only wish my catbro, Merv, would let me snuggle him the way Odin does. That would be bliss. (I love the way the cat smells too.)
Goober love,
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