Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home at last!

So, my mom and dad are back from their vacation, and I am back from my grandma and grandpa's place. I went to the airport on Monday night to pick them up, and when they came out to the car, I was a little confused because I thought I would be living at grandma's from then on because I was there for soooooooo long and because I had a fever because I developed a bladder infection. But I'm on antibiotics now and am feeling a lot better.
So anyway, my mom and did cool things like sailing and hiking on a mountain and going to the San Juan Islands and I did really boring things like sitting around at my grandma's which is a pretty crappy deal. (Sorry grandma and grandpa! Thanks for taking good care of me!) My mom and dad pretty much said I can go with them next time which is awesome! I don't have any pics to show you from the trip because my mom forgot her camera in the hotel lobby in Seattle, and luckily, it didn't get stolen so they are FedExing it back to her - whew!
So here's an old pic of me because I know you all missed my face and my awesome pirate belly band!


Dexter said...

DUDE! Welcome back from the old folk's home. You were gone forever! I heard there was some big blowhard down south named Ike that made lots of trouble. Was that you? Did you sneak to Texas when Grandma and Grandpa were asleep?


Anonymous said...

Yay! Ike is back!

wally said...

Ikenstein! I missed you! Next time I see you and I ditch the apes and head to Seattle on our own. I can show you the awesome pee spots and we can get some tasty Thai.

wally t.

Joe Stains said...

I totally missed you, they better plan a vacation soon and take you.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Sure you are happy! And we too having you back!
Glad your mom is getting back her camera!
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Good to know that you are back in your paw-rents arms! Did you give them loads of licks? I hope they brought back something for you from their trip??

Duke said...

Welcome back, Ike! We're so glad that your mom's camera isn't lost forever!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said...

Welcome back, Ike! How'd you get a bladder infection?? I'm worried, cause I pee on all sorts of probably not-so-sanitary stuff.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. Glad you're feeling better!

Clover said...

Hi Ike!
We did miss you! Hope your camera gets back soon so we can see what you look like now...
Love Clover xo

Asta said...

I did miss you, and it's gweat to see you ..what a cool piwate bely band!
I'm glad you'we feeling bettew and youw pawents awe home safe
thank you fow the Birfday wishes
love and smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

Glad you are back. Sorry about the infection man that sucks

Stanley said...

Yo, IKE!

I'm just now realizing that your parents left you for a whole week, man! Not cool, but at least they're back and it sounds like they missed you so much that they plan to take you everywhere with them now.

Sounds to me like you were watching out for the G-parents as much as they were watching you. Glad you had somewhere to go when you were ABANDONED.

Your pirate belly band is beyond AWESOME, and how serendipitous that this weekend is blog like a pirate weekend!

Goob love,

Sophie Brador said...

Ikester! Dude! You must be super thrilled to have the M & D back. I hope you are giving them some major snubbing for leaving you for some long, although I have a feeling life at G & G's was probably pretty good.


Mack said...

I bet it's great to be back home. Hope your infection clears up soon.

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Ike,
I hope you are better!!! Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Bobo the Boston Terrier said...

Ike your belly band is cool!