Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grad party.

So, Saturday was my dad's graduation party and a bunch of his family drove here from Iowa - and it was awesome to see them - and tons of his friends showed up and there were a few little people with Dorito fingers and they dropped stuff and it was the best! Someone didn't eat all their cake (what is wrong with people?), so my mom let me have that and then she also gave me half a bratwurst which was pretty much the best ever! The party was at my Uncle Ansel's and Aunt Kathryn's house which is one of my favorite places in the whole world , and we stayed up really late and for some reason we had to sleep on their futon instead of driving home. I woke up really early because I had to poo and I was getting hungry and my mom was kind of cranky about it. Whatever.

This is a picture of my dad right after he graduated - doesn't he look smarter? (I graduated like 2 years ago, but that's ok, Dad, I'm still proud of you.)

Didn't I look smart at my graduation?

And this is a picture of my Uncle Ansel giving me a little beer which is pretty much my favorite.

And this is my Auntie Kathryn kissing and strangling me and she was acting really goofy that night for some reason.


Clover said...

Hi Ike,
You and your dad look great at your respective graduations! So cool that you got all those delicious snacks at the party!
Love Clover xo

Ruby Bleu said...

What fun!!! congrats to your dad!!! W00t!!! I bet your Aunt Kathryn had too much beer...that's why she was acting all goofy!!!

Lots of licks, ruby

Petra said...

Congratulations to your Dad on his graduation. And you to you, too, Ike, for being smarter than him and graduating long ago. It looks like you had a very fun weekend with your family and friends and FOOD!

Jen and Suki said...

A family of smarty-pantses. Congratulations (to you both)! You're so lucky you got some beer.

Peanut said...

Congrats to your dad. Beer is good. Bratwurst and beer is better.

Lizzy said...

Hiya Ike!

Congratulations to your dad. It sounds like you had a great time at the party! All the food, it sounds so tasty... Mmmmm...


Randi said...

Hi Ike...I'm glad your dad finally graduated...you still have to be proud of your people even if they are a little "slow"...not all of us can learn new tricks...

& you look especially smart on your gradution!

Love & Licks,

Lorenza said...

Congratulations to your Dad! Sure it was a fun party! With beer and snacks! and goofy aunties!!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

WOAH beer dude, NO WAY?! I am so jealous! Your Dad is pretty smart, but I won't make fun of him for being a few years behind you!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Congrats to your dad! I am sure you are the smartest one in your family.. but just don't let the hoomans know that cos somehow it does not seem to sit well with them!
I reckon your Aunt Kathryn had one beer too many! Hehehe...

Deefor said...

Congratulate your dad and give him a lick for me. I like his outfit. And the hat looks good on you. Human treats are way better than doggie treats. Maybe he took his time to get more treats.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Congrates to your dad. :) You look cute with the graduation hat too Ike. :)

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations to your dad! He sure looks proud and happy!
You sure don't look happy that Auntie Kathryn is kissing you, Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...


Congratulations to your dad. Give him a smooch from me.

You should wear your gradumutation hat all the time, man! It's totally YOU.

Your dad's soul patch says it all. Hmmm. Wonder why you didn't go home that night?

Goober love,

Mack said...

Mucho Congrats to your pop!!

And you too for all the deelish food that was dropped!

Dexter said...

Your dad must be happy to have graduated. He does look smart. Stay away from that Auntie of yours! She's like to choke you to death or make your head explode.


Unknown said...

WOOOHOOO Congratulations to your dad!!!!!

You look so super smart in that grad photo!!!

Can we use the photo of you looking at the beer for our caption game, we JUST LOVE THAT PHOTO!

Frenchie Snorts

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Congrats to your dad Ike!!! And you too! We are NEVER going to obedience school cause we are rescued and "hopeless." We don't know what it means but I'm sure it's good!

-Sophie and Dixie

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Congratulations to your dad! That is very exciting news! Looks like you had a really good time at the festivities too Ikes!
Ozzie & Rocky

Willie and Waylon said...

Congrats to your dad on his new found wisdom.

You were very lucky to get so many treats.

Martha said...

You look so handsome and smart in your graduation cap. Congrats to your dad! Love, Martha

Sophie Brador said...

IKE! Are you guys okay? We are watching the news about the storms and are really worried about you and your family. Please post if you can to let us know you are okay. We're thinking about you.
