Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Down in the dumps.

Sorry I haven't posted in forever and I haven't been to many pups blogs but I've been a little down in the dumps lately. We had a couple days of warm weather and then a few days of snow - can you believe it? None of the snow stayed, but it's been way too cold for proper walkies and snow in April make my mom crabby! So anyway, not much happening around here and it's warming up so I won't be so depressed soon!
But I did have an awesome time chatting with the pups and GirlGirl over the weekend. I talked to the beautiful and talented Miss Sophina LaBrador, the sassy and stylish Lorenza, the witty and pretty Randi and many, many more. Alas - my wife, Martha, has been nowhere to be found, and I'm a little worried that she's run off with a younger model.
Oh, and BTW - the green rug is gone because my mom said someone kept peeing on it and it made the house smell gross so now I have to lay on the hardwood floor.

(Ike's mom here - he did keep peeing on it and he has two beds and two blankets to lay on - what a whiner.)


Dexter said...

Ike - You have a magic pee-pee rug? Maybe I could help you market it.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike...
I'm so sorry I missed you this weekend...i would have loved to catch up with you. hey, this rug situation...sounds like you should be the recipient of yet ANOTHER Stain award!!!

Cheer up...you are way too handsome to be sad!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

You might be the stainmaster prince. Your mom should not call you whiner that is not nice.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
It was pawesome I had the chance to chat with you the other day!
Here the weather is crazy too! No snow but we had hail!
Sorry about the green rug! Knowing your I am sure you will find another spot!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

did they let you do a proper goodbye to the rug?? I hope your weather improves and I really hope you hear from Martha!

Stanley said...


Don't fret, man. I happen to know that Martha is GA GA over you! She must be dealing with Dewy. That's gotta be it.

As for your pee pee rug, I think it should go into the Hall of Stains as an installation piece. Future generations need to KNOW about their heritage.

Goober love & smooches,

Duke said...

We just saw your wife this morning, Ike! She said she received a very thoughtful pressie from you and she couldn't wait to try it on! It sounds like her mom has been lazy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said...

I can't believe they stole your green rug, Ike. How rude!

I'm so ready for warm weather here, too.

Clover said...

Hi Ike!
How can your mom really be sure it was YOU who peed on that rug?! Really, some other dog could have snuck into the house and done it...
Hope you feel better soon!
Love Clover xo

Mack said...

Ike, my mom says you can come live with us and pee all over our carpet.Well she didn't really say the bit about the carpet, but you can still come live with us.

Lizzy said...

Ike, are you sure it wasn't evil cats that peed on the rug and then framed you? 'Cause the cats in my family are always peeing on the rug and blaming it on me.


Deefor said...

Hi Ike
We have a stinky rug in our house too! Not my fault. Stinky Arrow. I haven't been on the computer much lately either.


Petra said...

Hey Ike, maybe you'll feel better if you take a look at my blog. I tagged you for a game...

wally said...

Oh dude--I'm bummed I missed you in chat.

I think that dog who is sneaking into your house and peeing on things is really naughty.
