Saturday, April 19, 2008


I don't know if you guys know this, but my mom doesn't really treat me like a dog and she pretty much treats me like a baby but today, I got to be a canine and I was pretty much a wolf. My mom made beef stew and she gave me the roast bone - you know the round kind with all the gooey marrow in the middle, and it was awesome. I made short work of it even though I only have a couple of top molars because they got all rotten when I lived at the puppy factory.
And you'll never believe what happened. Spike sent me a thank you card and a gift card for Target. My mom and dad said it's not for me, but I don't believe them. And Spike's mom is really awesome and thankful and said that I saved his life.

Just so you guys know - that's me, not a wolf, eating that bone.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I like to be treated as a baby but sometimes is nice to act like a canine, right?
Your bone sure looks delicious!
Remind your mom that Target has great things for us!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

How nice of Spike to send you a gift card! Have you decided what you're gonna buy with it yet, Ike?
Your bone is making us drool!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

Are you sure that isn't a wolf? Because you kinda look like one eating that bone!!!

Oh, tell your Moms that I went back to the VET to check on my athlete's paw and it is getting better. I also had some blood stolen to make sure my liver is ok from the medicine, and it is!!! But we are going to stop that medicine and just keep cleaning/soaking my paws now!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Mack said...

I bet you felt like a wild wolf, eating that scrumptious bone!

Peanut said...

You go you wolf you. that was nice of spike's parents to get you that gift card.

Myeo said...

We are sure that gift card is for you :P

Maybe you can get something nice for your lovely wife :)

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...

Looks like call of the wild to me! Glad your mama finally figured out what a real DOG needs.

And, for her information, it's because of you that your mama is so sensitive to other dogs in need, so I think the giftcard IS yours. Just tell her what you want. (You know, she can probably get those marrow bones really cheap somewhere on a regular basis.)

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

omdog you really did turn into a wolf! scary! YOU did a great job rescuing spike so you should definitely get that Target card. Just don't let them buy you stupid clothes there, they just keep getting more and more of them. Head straight for the treat aisle.

Deefor said...

That bones looks really wolfy. I love the messy stuff inside. I really need some new bones. Maybe you can get more at Target.


wally said...

Whoa! Look at that wolf! Or maybe a bear! Well, I hope you get good stuff at Target. If they sell teeth there to replace rotten ones let me know--I'm in the market.


Dexter said...

That thing is as big as you. You must feel like a mighty hunter.


Clover said...

Hi Ike!
OMD I am glad you pointed out that it was you in that picture - I DID think it was a wolf and I was scared.
Love Clover xo
P.S. How great of your parents to rescue Spike!! The twin cities sure are lucky to have your family living there!

Petra said...

I was shaking in my boots until you explained that it is you eating the bone, Ike, because you really do look like a wolf.

And what's up with your mom & dad thinking the Target card is for them? If you had been in the car, it would have been YOUR idea to rescuse Spike. Geesch!

Jen and Suki said...

I am really glad you clarified because for a couple seconds there I thought I was witnessing a wolf devouring its prey. That picture of you is just so primordial!

Ferndoggle said... are such a wolf. Just like me. I'm gonna get you a wolf collar like I have to prove it.

I'm drooling.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

You'll make a handsome wolf. Nice of Spike to send the gift

~ Girl girl

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Oh my! You do look like a wolf Ike's! Hope you enjoyed knawing on that yummy old soup bone!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ike!

Were you by chance walking past The Local this past Sunday, around noon? I saw a handsome red Boston and thought it was you.

If not, maybe you have a twin...


Randi said...

Is that why they sometimes call you IKE IKE BABY?

I thought it was a reference to a 90's whitey rap artist...

But I could be wrong..

Love & Licks,

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Ike- we are big big fans of yours! We read what Suki Sumo wrote about you and we love YOUR blog now too! One of us (Dixie) is part BT and thinks you are cute. But, she knows you are married so it's ok.

Come visit us at our blog soon!

Sophie & Dixie

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey Ike,
I know what you mean cos my hoomans treat more like a 'baby' than a dog (which I can't complain much abt!!).. I only wish they'd give me a bone that's as big as the one you've got!!
It's really nice of Spike to send you that gift card. I think he wants to thank you for sharing your car with him..

Balboa said...


You are so lucky you got that bone, it looks really yummy. I'm so glad you and you parents were there to help Spike.

Frenchie Snorts

Lizzy said...

Hi Ike! It was grrrreat to meet you at the DWB chat pawty! I like your blog a lot. Hope we can be friends!


Willie and Waylon said...

We are so jealous.. we never get bones.

Martha said...

OMD Ikes! I totally got your pressies! They are so awesome and you have such good taste in clothes. My mom is being so lazy and keeps complaining of how tired she is. Wah. I am going to make her post pics tonight if it's the last thing I do! Love, Martha

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Hi Ike! We tagged you in our meme- come check it out!

Sophie and Dixie