Friday, March 21, 2008


I woke up to this today.

And it made me feel like this.


Mack said...

Isn't it suppose to be Spring? If I were you I would go back to bed too!

Pee S: Maybe the Easter bunny will leave you some snackies this weekend!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ikes,
I just can't imagine...that is terrible! Hopefully my Mack is right and the Easter Bunny will leave you something sunshine!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

OMG, you must be SOOOO BUMMED! What happened to green grass and flowers! Didn't they tell Old Man Winter that it's spring?!

Happy Easter to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG its spring, isn't that crap illegal?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Yes, its already Spring!
If that would happen here, I'd do the same like you!
Happy Easter!
Kisses and hugs

Jen and Suki said...

Word, dog. What a stupid day.

Stanley said...


I'm bummin' with you, bud. I've been looking at photos of friends in California drooling over the green grass!

It will come... eventually. Just hold on man!

Goober love,

Dexter said...

Not more snow! I feel for you. We don't have snow but its still cold enough to make the humans all grouchy.

Lola Smiles said...

Ike, dude, I totally hear ya on the snow. It hasn't stopped doin' it here since last November. I'm dyin' to chase butterflies again!

luv ya
Lola Smiles

Anonymous said...

Ike, I can't have pets where I live, so I have them vicariously through dog blogs. I found yours just recently through one of my faves, Joe Stains, and anyway, it's been great getting to know about you. I spent an hour reading your entire blog, right from the beginning. It ruled.

And you're from St. Paul, so that rules, even if it snowed. Again. I love St. Paul, though yeah, winter gets freakin' old! I am so glad you have people who love and care for you now. I hope your eyes will be OK.

Love you, bye bye!


Martha said...

OMD it's getting depressing, isn't it?! You know I *love* snow but even I'm really sick of it. I want warm weather and green grass NOW! Love, Martha

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
Snow for Easter? WTF? Makes me think this whole global warming thing is nothing but bulls**t.
Murphy Dogg

Peanut said...

doesn't the snow know it's spring?