Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Problem solved.



Peanut said...

Oh Ike that is not right. How could they buy you a belly band?

Joe Stains said...

I know its got pirates and all, but STILL...eesh. Try to eat something, they didn't band your chompers.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa haa. what's that you're wearing Ike?

~ Girl girl

Dexter said...

Ike, man, you have no shame! I like that in a doggie.

BTW - I'll bet even when you stain in the house its pretty compact and not the horse sized deposits I would leave.

Hammer said...

Hi Ike
I wouldn't like to wear a bandana in that spot near my private parts.
Love from Hammer

Duke said...

At least it's a manly looking band!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Are you sticking your tongue out at the belly band??

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ike...
that just doesn't seem right....shiver me timbers!

Lots of Licks,Ruby

Petra said...

Keep wiggling --- you'll get that thing off of you!

Willie and Waylon said...

Is your mom trying to humiliate you?

Jessica said...

I saw you on lolbostons again this week. Great photo!! Make a martini for us too Mom.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Lorenza said...

Problem solved... for how long??
I want to know what those bands do. Makes you not to pee??
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

The pirates are very sex-ay. KST has to wear a pee band sometimes too but I make lots of fun of him. I'd never make fun of you, my love. Love, Martha

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
At least you got a cool belly band. Next time, get a plain black one and have your mom print "HUGE" across the front. That would be awesome.
Murphy Dogg

Anonymous said...

I just saws your pictoor on LOLbostons, it is so coot, why is you wearing a bandanni around your whatevers?

Randi said...

Oh Ike! Is that puppy penis cozy? I thought they made those for teapots...not PEEPOTS!

Love & Licks,

wally said...

Perfect. Modest yet suggestive.


Deefor said...

Kind of sexy. My mom wants one for Arrow. Can't take him anywhere.
