Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter revisited.

So my mom's been looking at all the blogs today, and she noticed that a lot of dogs have been tortured by bunny ears and a light bulb went on over her little brain, and she remembered buying bunny ears on clearance last year, and we all know what that means.
Thanks for posting all those bunny ears pictures guys, really.

And my mom is also forcing me to publicly apologize to my auntie dog Ruby for grabbing her by the chest and trying to shake her yesterday - I was just really excited that my Uncle Ansel and Auntie Kathryn showed up for the big Easter celebration. And I peed on the floor in the kitchen right by Ruby so I guess I'm sorry for that too and my mom says I should have been wearing my diaper. Whatever.


Petra said...

Hahahahah! What a great picture! You would have looked like a real Easter bunny if you had a diaper covering your bottom half.

You must be glad that Easter is over!

Ruby Bleu said...

That picture is just wrong. Someone should arrest your Mom or something!

You have an Auntie named Ruby? Is she as cute as me??? probably, all us Ruby's are!

Lots of Licks, Ruby (not your Auntie)

Clover said...

Oh Ike - I'm sorry about the costume your mom found. I think it looks really cute though. The look on your face is priceless!!
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

hahahahaha You look just miserable, Ike - but so adorable!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

You are definitely showing your disgust with the bunny ears!

Did you shred them so they won't reappear next year?


Peanut said...

oh your face says how you really feel about those years. I am sure you didn't mean anything by trying to shake Ruby.

Joe Stains said...

omdog, those ears are something else. I don't really want to tell you what that something else is because I value our friendship. nice job on the stain!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee you make a cute bunny (but not a happy one)

~ Girl girl

Myeo said...

You look so pissed..hahaha. You must be glad that Easter is over.

Boy n Baby

Mack said...

You look totally humiliated in that picture. Did you ever get the chance to tear them to bits so you won't have to go through this again next year????

Deefor said...

That's a lot more than ears! You've got a whole bunny head. Got any eggs left over?


Sparky said...

Ike, you must destroy that ridiculous costume now! I destroyed my stupid bunny ears last year, and my mama decided that buying more would be a waste. HA!!! I won!!!

Dexter said...

Ike, my man, is that bunny suit made for some giant sized dog? You look pathetic, dude... sorry they did that to ya.

Strictly a collar only guy,

wally said...

Oh Ike. This is against the Geneva Conventions or something isn't it?


Murphy Dogg said...

Ha ha! Tell your mom to save that bunny suit, cause you'll make an awesome Ralphie from A Christmas Story come December!
Murphy Dogg

Ferndoggle said...

Oh No! How did we manage to escape the torture this year??? I hope Mom doesn't read your blog, dude.


Willie and Waylon said...

We thought you were a dog, not a bunny.

Stanley said...


You're a menace in cute bunny ears. Something's not right there.

Goob love & sympathy,

FleasGang said...

You're looking a little like Ralphie Parker from "A Christmas Story"!

The Fleas

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Ikeypoo, You look completely disgusted with this. I can hardly blame you, being a confirmed and verified nudist myself.


Duke said...

You've been tagged, Ike! Check out our blog!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Martha said...

*swoon* You're so handsome. Love, Martha

Randi said...

Oh are so very patient to put up with the bunny ears...

& did you tell your ma that just MAYBE you are trying to get more stain awards? Practice makes perfect...

Love & Licks,

ps..I think you look very tough in your penis cozy diaper...