Sunday, March 30, 2008

137 in dog years!


Joe Stains said...

Happy birthday Ike's Dad!!!!!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Happy Birthday to your Dad! I hope you had a great day celebrating with him!
Kisses and hugs

Jen and Suki said...

Happy birthday to your dad Ian!!! Maybe his pressie will be NO snow this week!

Myeo said...

Happy Birthday, Ike's Dad!

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy birthday to your dad. I hope he get lots of treats and belly rubs on his special day

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Happy birthday to Ike's daddy! Ike, it looks like you're gonna be sick in that picture! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Happy Birthday Ike's dad

Mack said...

Only 137???? He's still a young pup!! (Compared to my dad anyway)!!

Sophie Brador said...

Woah, Ike! Your dad is ancient!

Petra said...

Happy Birthday to Ike's very young dad!

I hope you had a great celebration -- I love those balloons.

Ruby Bleu said...

happy barkday Ike's pappa and bestest friend!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

Happy birthday, Papa de Ike! How old ARE you anyway? (I don't do math.)

Is Ike barfing all over your birthday, man?

Nice hat. Looks like you've got SOUL.

Goober love & birthday smooches,

wally said...

Happy Burpday Ikedad!
