Monday, February 18, 2008

Trip Photojournal.

First off, great news: they got their Baby back Baby back Baby back!

Next up is a photo journal from my trip to visit my granny and family in Iowa!

So when we were driving down there, we stopped in this town called Clear Lake and they were having a kite festival on the frozen lake - crazy and cold!

This is a picture of me braving the cold for a photo op.

And then we got to my granny's and I saw these beasties on the farm and they're called bison and they're jumpy - I pretty much scared them and they broke an electric wire and I didn't even have to bark.

And this is how I scared them, and my dad helped.

And then I met this horse who my mom loves, and I growled at him.

And then we opened presents with my cousins and I got a hat and a jacket, but the jacket is too small because my granny didn't realize how buff I am so we have to exchange it - pics later.

And I got to play with my treat ball like at home.

And then it was time to go home and the car started to smoke in the driveway so we had to take it to a repair shop and they don't really do a lot of Nissans in Iowa so we had to leave it there and drive my granny's summer car home so we have to go back this weekend to get the car. Woo hoo!

But there was a storm while we were there and then there was a lot of wind so the roads were really crappy to drive on and my dad was all growly and agitated because the roads looked like this and it wasn't even snowing, it was just the wind blowing the snow because Iowa only has one tree to block the wind because it's all farms.

Finally we got the the freeway and were all "whew" but the freeway looked like this.

There were cars off the road everywhere and it was really scary so I pretty much slept the whole time.

And there was one spot where there were 17 cars in the ditch.

And some looked like this.

And this.
But most of these happened the night before and they were still there because there was a towing ban to keep the tow trucks from making everything worse.
So it's way sucky that we had to leave my car in Iowa, but at least it didn't break down on the road because that would have been the worst ever but all things considered, it was an awesome trip with snacks like bison stew and chili and lots of stuff the kids dropped on the floor.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh what a pawsome trip you had. I love those photos with you in them

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

The kite festival is just awesome! So many pretty colors!
We feel bad about those poor cars upside down in the ditch! We sure hope no hoomans were hurt!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Sounds like you had a very adventurous trip!

Hopefully nobody was hurt when their car turned over!

Joe Stains said...

That looks like a pawesome trip except for all those flipped over cars and the fact that it was cold. Hopefully the weather is better when you go back for your car!

Ferndoggle said...

Wow Ike! I'm so glad you're OK. That big bison head would scare the heck out of me!!


Jen and Suki said...

Ike, you and me and our parents and some other people that I like need to run away to a warmer climate. Like maybe California where my mom grew up; San Francisco is really dog friendly. I heard there are bars you can go to and literally tons of treats to be had. Just sayin'.

I am glad no one got hurt on your trip and that you got to meet those huge bison meatbables!

Luckie Girl said...

It must have been freezing Ike!! And those roads look sooo slippery and dangerous. I am glad you arrived home safe n sound. Are Bisons cousins to Cows and Oxs? They look so alike.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I liked all the pictures of your trip! Speciall the one where your are facing that horse!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said...

The road looks all blurry n foggy. We hope that the drivers of those upside down car are okay.

Boy n Baby

Par said...

Must be really icy!
Glad your safe and all!

Ben & Darling said...

Wah, those bison look scary oh...

Willie and Waylon said...

What an adventure!!! We have never seen snow like that or even cars upside down. We would slept through it too... less stress.
Your dad is a good driver!
We have never met a horse or Bison, but we do lke to chase cows at our Grammy & papa's house.

Clover said...

Hi Ike!
Looks like you had a sweet trip - except for the end with the car and scary drive. I hope you are nice and rested now!
Love Clover xo

Lenny said...

It looks like you had a great time, but that wind and snow is scary!

Your friend, Lenny

Petra said...

I'm glad you had a fun and safe trip. I hope the weather is better when you go back to get your car. Happy travels!

wally said...

That picture of you with the kite festival is like art.

My ma ape went to college in Ioway. She remembers those overturned car trips.


ps. Did you get any BUFFALO PIZZLE?

Randi said...

Hi Ike...I was really hoping your GMa's summer car wasn't a 4 wheeler or something like that...Thank goodness you make it home A-OK!

I like the piccy of you with the Horsie! Did he get mad that you were sticking your tongue out at him, or was he pretty laid back about it?

Love & Licks,

Tadpole said...

Nice trip! And I agree - the best way to travel is asleep on someone's lap.

Bentley and Niko said...

those cars remind our mom of thanksgiving when she used to drive to flint from saginaw in michigan and count the cars in the ditch as a game to pass the nervousness of becoming one of them.

Balboa said...

That was one exciting trip Ike, you sure have the best adventures. I'm glad you made it home safe.

Frenchie Snorts