Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Total eclipse of the moon.

So the moon disappeared tonight, and my mom took this photo and she is making me post it because she is showing off.


Ruby Bleu said...

Dog Mom rocks at the picture taking! My Mom's fuzzy pictures just suck! Ooops...I prolly shouldn't have said that!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Yes, your mom took a great picture of the moon!
We forgot about the eclipse and did not see it!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


Sometimes we are at the mercy of our peeps. But, that photo is pretty sweet, man!

Goob love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

I am glad she posted it because it was CLOUDY here then it started thundering then it started raining then I started hiding and THEN Mom started making videos of it. So I am sure you will be seeing them on my blog soon!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh your mom sure can take good photo of that moon

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Nice picture! Thanks for posting it, Ike! We were all sleeping at our house and missed the whole thing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Kinda spooky!!

Martha said...

That's very cool. My 'rents went out and watched it a bit but Mom was too lazy to get her gear out. Love, Martha

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
We went out and saw the creepy moon too, it was a bit bizarre but way cool. Glad you like your prizes! There would have been more cookies, but I "found" them before Mama could pack them. Whups.
Murphy Dogg

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

That is a sweet picture Ike! We didn't get to go out and howl at that pawsome moon! It was too cloudy here last night!
Ozzie & Rocky

Deefor said...

It was cloudy here. I think. Really my humans were too lazy to go outside. Great picture.


Luckie Girl said...

Nice pikture Ike!! :)

Petra said...

Well, she is certainly entitled to show off this picture! It's a great one.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey buddy,

you have been nominated for Photo of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :-)


wally said...


Frankly your mom rocks. That's a nice photo. Now, when do we get to see YOUR full moon?


Sophie Brador said...

Ike, Funny how that moon looked exactly the same here! That was YOU who suggested I contact the company. I meant to go back and check whose suggestion that was. I will definitely have to thank you immensely upon the arrival of the new bling.

You were so right!!!!!! And they were so shocked (of course), Apparently, they have already improved the quality of their leather and although they seem very concerned about it, mom still won;t trust it and says she;s going nylon check all the way for all walks.


Asta said...

Tell youw Mom that is a pawsome photo!!!
It sounded scawy when Ruby said it was a looney eawed eat lips..but it's kind of pwetty
smoochie kisses

Ralph said...

Great photo- love the pics below with the kites and blue sky. What type of camera does she use? My mom just treated herself to a Canon Rebel XTi and is practicing me ME!


Laura said...

awesome photo!
my mom and i watched the eclipse too! but we had to watch it from inside, because it was -15 outside!!

Myeo said...

Well if our mom takes nice photos like your mom, we would be glad to let her show off but her pawtography skills really sucks.

Boy n Baby