Saturday, February 16, 2008

Goin on a trip!

What up dogs? Just a quick post to let you know I'm going on a trip to the bison farm to see my grandma and step-grandpa and my cousins and auntie and uncle so pics from that later.
Also, I won a contest!
And to tide you over until then:


Duke said...

Congratulations, Ike! That's awesome and you look so cute in your suspender jeans!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Well done, dude! You are truly a magnificent pin-up punk.


ps. Bring me back some bison bones! Taaaaasty.

Lenny said...

Ike, great photo! Congratulations! Is Martha OK with you being a pin-up model?

Your friend, Leny

Par said...

Have a safe trip!

Randi said...

Hi Ike! You look like a chipendog all lounging like that....I bet you make Martha's heart go pitter patter & all the girls too!

Have fun with the Bison...

Love & Licks,

Lorenza said...

Have a great trip!
Kisses and hugs

Jen and Suki said...

Oh my dog, that picture of you in suspenders and farmer jeans is pawsome. You are a natural pin-up, dude.

Willie and Waylon said...

We love the photo - you are so cool (like us)

Waylon & Willie

Joe Stains said...

There aren't many dogs out there that I believe to be cooler than me, but you are definitely one of them. You look totally rad in that photo. Have a nice trip, Bison are DELICIOUS, have some for me.

Martha said...

Sigh. You are so handsome lounging in your overalls. Don't get trampled by the bison! Love, Martha

Poppy said...

I am really behind the times, but I just have to say that the picture of you snuggling with your kitty bro is sooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!


Mack said...

When Paris saw that picture of you we had to get out the smelling salts!!

Deanna said...

Have fun!!!

Petra said...

Congrats! We all know you are a winner. You look a little like the grinch in your picture, but you're the wrong color(and I love the grinch, by the way!)

Ralph said...

Wow you are like Playgirl material in that!
