Ike that is soooo not faiw..it's cleaw to me that the book did that to itself..if you need a chawactew wefewnce in couwt ow something I'll be thewe smoochie kisses Asta
I'm getting my lump removed because they couldn't get enough tissue from aspiration to confirm that it is benign for sure and I can't have anesthesia so if it gets much bigger it might be a problem. Do you think I should not do it? Your mom is like the queen of all things lump and pus related so I'm interested to hear what she thinks!
Hi Ike! Tell your mom thanks for stopping by with some good advice. I have a hard time telling when the vet is giving necessary treatment vs. making money. And my ma ape is paranoid because I am a-ahem--very mature dog and she's afraid of the C word. But I'll go today, have the vet look at it again, and ask how necessary it is. I had a full blood panel done in December and all my numbers were good so it is probably unlikely I have an underlying illness. Whole Dog Journal had an article about lumps that said they lean towards removing them but my ma ape thinks your mom is probably right that unless they're causing a problem it's probably best not to put the body through the trauma of removing them. Especially if they're frequent. Sigh. My ma ape wishes she was as smart as your mom. Maybe I'll eat some books to get smart like you. Not that you ate the book.
ike that is not right. Why are you getting blamed for everything? I bet the cats cursed that book so it would eat itself
Didn't we read that MN had very high winds yesterday? Obviously the wind damaged the book!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Of course it wasn't you...you're not a poetry kind of guy.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What in the world are they thinking? You are the picture of innocence!
Ike that is soooo not faiw..it's cleaw to me that the book did that to itself..if you need a chawactew wefewnce in couwt ow something I'll be thewe
smoochie kisses
Ike Man!
That IS total BS. Good thing the book and the cat have you around the be the fall dog.
Goob love,
I believe self chewing books are sold in the same store as exploding kleenexs!
Hi, Ike!
Too wrong to blame you!
Mean cats!
Kisses and hugs
That's not fair, how can they blame you for those. You obviously didn't do it
~ Girl girl
TOTAL B.S. Though I suspect my sissy may have had something to do with it.
Ike you've been framed! I would lawyer up and get some DNA testing to prove your innocence.
Your friend, Lenny
Maybe it was a book eating pest?
You do look way too tired to chew that book up... had to be a bug...
You were framed Ike!! We're gonna work on your legal representation.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
What a drag! Always blaming us dogs. Like whenever something is missing from the table...
You know it was the dang cats who chewed up that book!
Hi Ike!
I'm getting my lump removed because they couldn't get enough tissue from aspiration to confirm that it is benign for sure and I can't have anesthesia so if it gets much bigger it might be a problem. Do you think I should not do it? Your mom is like the queen of all things lump and pus related so I'm interested to hear what she thinks!
Books have been known to do that at our house too. Bad books!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Hi Ike! Tell your mom thanks for stopping by with some good advice. I have a hard time telling when the vet is giving necessary treatment vs. making money. And my ma ape is paranoid because I am a-ahem--very mature dog and she's afraid of the C word. But I'll go today, have the vet look at it again, and ask how necessary it is. I had a full blood panel done in December and all my numbers were good so it is probably unlikely I have an underlying illness. Whole Dog Journal had an article about lumps that said they lean towards removing them but my ma ape thinks your mom is probably right that unless they're causing a problem it's probably best not to put the body through the trauma of removing them. Especially if they're frequent. Sigh. My ma ape wishes she was as smart as your mom. Maybe I'll eat some books to get smart like you. Not that you ate the book.
Don't worry, my dad's shoestrings ate themselves the other day
Hey, that is not right!!!
It must be the cat the chews the book too.
Boy n Baby
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