Monday, January 28, 2008

Poultry phalanges.

So my mom and dad went through a drive thru the other day and got fast food (which is awesome) and the lady there gave me a biscuit and I was all 'whatever, I can smell the good stuff in there' so I didn't take it. And then she said "Is he spoiled? Would he like a chicken finger?" and I was like "Yes, please."
And this is a picture of chicken fingers - don't really look like fingers at all.

And here's a pic of me sunning.


Ruby Bleu said...

wow...your very own chicken fingers...lucky boy! love the picture :P

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Willie and Waylon said...

Your are so lucky to get chicken fingers....we never do... we would settle for the biscut.
My mom also liked the title to your entry today - quite witty and funny.

Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie

Deefor said...

That looks a lot better than a milk-bone. Not milk or bone. Phast Phood looks Phantastic.


Joe Stains said...

Can you please give me the address of this place so I can go there tomorrow?

Duke said...

So that's the answer? We have to act more spoiled? Geez, we can do that - no problem! Thanks, Ike!
Your tongue pictures totally crack us up!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Were they good?

Mack said...

How dare her call you spoiled! You just have refined tastes!

Dude, your tongue rocks!!


Southbaygirl said...

yummy chicken fingers! I bet you gobbled them up fast!!!


Southbaygirl said...

Hi Ike,

Thanks for visiting my blog! I don't know if mom would call herself hard-core...she's kinda bored so she likes to occupy her time...makes me happy that she's unemployed because we get to play all day everyday!!!! It's fun!


Sophie Brador said...

You turned down a cookie? Wow! I mean, I get the chicken finger thing, but I could never have made the choice and held out for better. You are one stoic little dude.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a great picture of you.. Chicken fingers look so yummy...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Lorenza said...

I am with you! I'd prefer chicken fingers than biscuits! Smart boy!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


Once again, I bow to the master. I've seriously got to sit under your tutelage because you definitely know how to WORK IT (whatever the situation).

As always, LOVE the tongue. (My girl swoons everytime she sees it ~ she thinks you're FAB).

By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something. Are you TRYING to look like Obi Wan Kanobi in your profile photo, cuz you kind of do.

Goober love & smooches,

Ume said...

of cos you're not spoiled! u r way too smart for the hoomans, Ike!

Myeo said...


You made the right choice. We would have chose Chicken finger anytime over the biscuits.

Boy n Baby

Luckie Girl said...

Yeah, who wants biscuits when we can get better stuffs inside? The sun really brings out your coloring. :)

Petra said...

I've never had chicken fingers but I'm sure I would love them.

When are you going back for more?

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Chicken fingers! We don't care what part of the bird that really is. We love chicken!
Ozzie & Rocky

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Chicken fingers! We don't care what part of the bird that really is. We love chicken!
Ozzie & Rocky

Jen and Suki said...

Awesome tongue. All there is to do these days is sun... considering it's way to friggin' cold to go out and about. I can't checked my pee-mail in months.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

The chicken finger sure is a pawsome treat

~ Girl girl

wally said...


That photo is magic. And while I agree that you deserved the chicken finger I don't think you're spoiled. Given your due, I say.

And my tests came back and the tumah was just collagen. I think your ma is right. Next time we'll wait!


Martha said...

OMD! I hope you saved some for me. I love, love, love food, especially chicken. Love, Martha

Lillie Valentine said...

I wouldn't take that biscuit either if I smelled gooooood chicken strips!