Monday, January 7, 2008


That's what I've been doing lately because now my mom has the flu and my dad is spending all his time taking care of her and not taking care of me and I've been making sure my mom has a nap buddy. So today, I slept for like 8 hours on the couch and now all I want to do is eat dinner and play, but my mom said I have to wait for my dad to come home. And my mom wants me to tell all you guys to tell your people to stay away from people with the flu because this is a bad strain and she said that for one whole day she couldn't keep her legs still because her hips and knees were so achy she had to move them to get relief and that was with flu medication on board. Whatever.
Here's an old pic of me because no one is taking pics of me these days and I've been thinking a lot about summer. I'm sorry this post is so boring.


Randi said...

Hi Ike...How are your legs doing? & your joints? Sleeping 8 hours in the day should cause you to get achy breaky joints too..I hope someone is TAKING CARE OF YOU!

I'm helping my mom/secretary stop the snottles & sniffles too... I guess the whole USA is sick.

I hope you are bearing the snow...maybe it will warm up for you..or maybe you could just turn up the heat in the house...

Love & Licks to you & your sicko ma,

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ikes....
So sorry your mama is least you have her home. My Mom had to go back to work today and I was sad, sad, sad!!!

Hope you all get better soon!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Be a good boy and take care of your mom! Sure she needs you! I hope she gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

Oh poor Ike and poor Ike's mama. We hope your mama feels better soon and you get lots more attention

Joe Stains said...

We sure hope your Mom is feeling better very soon! The flu STINKS.

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
I hope your Mom gets better soon. *sighz* YOu be a good boy and take care of her okay? :)

Duke said...

We sure hope your mom feels better soon! It's no fun being sick! Your mom needs your hugs, Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

Yikes, Ikes!

Give your mama some healing goober smooches from me (they really do work). Just so you know, no post you could ever do would be boring!

Goober love & smooches,

Myeo said...

We hope your mom gets well soon.

That is a Handsome picture of you

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Sorry to hear that your mom is still unwell... I sure hope my mama stays healthy because she becomes reral whiney and grouchy when she is sick!!

Mack said...

Oh no - I hope your mom gets better soon. I've heard the flu can make a person feel really bad. Tell your dad he needs to play with you at least an extra hour!

Martha said...

I hope your mom is feeling better. That is such a handsome photo of you. I love you! Love, Martha

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We sure hope your Mom gets well soon. That does not sound like too much fun!
Ozzie & Rocky

Sophie Brador said...

Oh, your poor mom. My neighbours have the flu and my mom is hoping it can't tranmit through brick and plaster and come over here. Ick! Who will walk me if she gets sick? I'm going to have to call my dad for help. Best news though. I'm not sick anymore ...almost. Woo hoo!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

8 hours on the couch sounds pawsome to me. :)

~ Girl girl

Clover said...

Hi Ike!
That wasn't a boring post. Isn't it GREAT to have somebody to nap with? My mom was home sick yesterday and I napped on her head ALL day.
Love Clover xo
P.S. I hope your mom feels better soon!

Bentley and Niko said...

Awww, we hope your mom feels better soon. Our parents have been taking a lot of Airborne because of all the sickies that go to work with them. We also wanted to tell you that the Boston that our aunt's friend found is in foster care now so we feel better. We worked hard to make sure a rescue called her.

Petra said...

Oh, Ike, I'm sorry your mom is feeling so lousy. I hope this passes soon. In the meantime, she's lucky she's got you at her side. Hang in there; it will get better.

Jessica said...

We know you are taking good care of you Mom Ike. Hope she is feeling better.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

wally said...

Hey Ike---Total bummer about your mom. But if she has move her legs at least she could use her wandering legs to walk to the fridge and let you gorge yourself, right?


ps. My ma ape says to be nice because your ma ape has the flu. But I think I should be nice to you too because you are Nurse Ike.

2shibas said...

You broke our little hearts, Ike. Maybe if you slept on your mom's head she would forget about how much her joints ache? It's worth a shot!

Hope everyone's feeling better soon!

Wiley & Fievel

Willie and Waylon said...

We hope your mom is better - the flu bites.

Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie

Duke said...

We tagged you, Ike! Check out my blog!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ume said...

poor Ike's Mom! i hope u r feeling better now! pawsitive vibes to u!