I'm naked in these pics; so puppies, put your paws over your eyes. (Hey Martha - wink, wink.)

And thanks for all the nice words for my grandpa - he had a PET scan today and we don't know the results yet, but I told my mom that they found three cats and two dogs, but she said that isn't what a pet scan is and I said um, yeah, I know what a pet scan is but she said I'm wrong. Whatever.
And how could they torture this face?

you look very clean and handsome now that you;ve had baths! I finally got my mom to post too! We do hope your grandpa is ok. Good to see you Ike!
I bet you smell really nice now after your bath. :)
~ Girl girl
what in the heck do you need a bath for at that time of night, do you have a hot date?
Hi Ike!
What a weird time for baths. You could have catch a cold! Then again, atleast you are clean and nice now.
Hope your grandpa's scan result will be ok.
You look squeaky clean, Ike! BTW, I did cover my eyes like you told us too! hehehehehe
Love ya lots,
You Mom is crazy...a bath in the middle of the night??? Yikes!!! I better not let my Mom read this or she might get some ideas now that I know that my new shampoo IS NOT made of Tadpole!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
WHAT, not only a bath but pictures as well. The torture you are suffering is horrible, you are in my thoughts.
Well wishes to your Grandpa
Frenchie Snorts
Bummer, man. The same thing almost happened to me last night, but thankfully, my girl is too lazy and just plopped into bed.
I'm sure you worked yourself up into a good Fritos stink, then to have it all washed away in just a few minutes... well, it's a damn waste.
Thinking of you, buddy.
Goober love,
Hi, Ike.
A midnight bath??? I'd like that!!! Sure now you smell very fresh!!
I have my paws crossed for your grandpa!
Have a nice day
Ike, I think you're right about that PET scan thing. Your grandpa is so lucky to have so many special PETS.
Your mom is lucky to have such a handsome Ike.
Hey Ike,
I think you are absolutely spot-on abt the definition of a PET Scan.. the hoomans don't know anything (but they like to pretend that they do!!).
A pet scan doesn't scan fow pets???then why do it?? I hope youw gwampa is OK..maybe he just needs mowe pets?
I'm sowwy you couldn't come to my pawty..we didn't dwink and dwive and ate lots of eatables..and i only had a teeny pawtini..aftew all I'm all gwowd up now(I think?)
I bet you smell delicious
smoochie kisses
well at least now your mouth dont smell like garbage..haha
Boy n Baby
Your hoomans are crazy! A bath for you? And at that time? Sheesh! PS : I'm pretty sure Martha enjoyed those piktures. hehe
My feet smells like Fritos too! I hope I don't get a bath today. Yikes!
You look very handsome after your bath, Ike!
i covered my eyes! but a bath at midnite???
i'm sure dats what the PET scan is for... hope they find more dogs than kitties tho... pawsitive vibes to your Grandpa!
i love baths!
i once had a bath that late at night - mom washed my bed and said i was too stinky and muddy to be allowed to sleep in it.
i didn't mind - i love hot showers!
We bet you smell great and have sparkling teeth
Hope your grandpa does well
I just did a PET scan and saw one naked Ike! Awesome! And we're NOT chubby. It's all muscle, baby.
A bath at midnight? What the heck are your parents thinking? :)
You look very handsome, though, so maybe it'll help you pick up some more chicks...hehehe!
Puggy kisses
IKE!!!!!!! I just saw you on LOL Bostons again!!! You are SO popular...and look so handsome in your Bugle Boys!!!
Lots of Licks,
You are soooo sex-ay. I can't believe your Mom made you take a bath at midnight when you should be sleeping. What's wrong with her?! Love, Martha
It is amazing what humans will do, even to sweet faces like that! Go figger.
You look very hamsome.
Whoofs & Baroos
Poor Ike! Did they pull you out of a nice snuggly bed to treat you that way! Hope you at least got in a growl or two!
Ozzie & Rocky
What in the WORLD?! Are your parents losing their grip on reality?! A BATH at MIDNIGHT?! I'm worried for ya, buddy....
hey Ike,
I have your interview questions. What's your email? We'll email the hard-hitting questions, here's our email Balboas_mommy@yahoo.com
Balboa and Mommy
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