So now it's another super perfect spring day and I have two stitches in my leg and I can't lick them or chew on them or strain them in any way and now we have to wait to see what the lab says and if it's something bad, they have to cut a bigger hole just to be sure which they didn't do yesterday because of not wanting to have to keep me under for a long time because I get really goofy afterward. Whatever.
And this is a picture of my stupid stitches.

PS - I am posting this a few hours later: my mom bought me Frosty Paws and I feel a lot better.
Poor Ike but it is better to get it checked out now then later.
Oh Poor Ike...I'm so sorry! Does your owie hurt? I hope everything is ok. Make your mom and dad treat you extra extra special today...you deserve it.
Lots and Lots of extra special licks, Ruby
PS - my owie went away, just like your mom said it would. please tell her thank you.
PPS - I nominated a picture of you for the May DWB picture contest. I hope you don't mind...you just looked too cute not to do it.
OUCH Ike! Make sure you don't bite at the stitches or you'll get the dreaded lampshade!
Love ya lots,
awww Ike
Hope your mum gives you loads of hugs and loving kisses to make up for it!
But that was a good idea to have it checked and taken care of!
Oh, Ike, that sucks! I'm sorry you can't play outside :(
I hope everything turns out ok. Keep us informed!
Puggy kisses
ike, you had to go through the same crap like the doofus!! wouldnt it be nicer if your mom worked in a treat factory and she was like oh ike you have to try these new treats to be sure they taste good!
omg !!!!! i hope it isnt anuthing bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kisses to your leg, Ikey.
Oh nooo Ike, your owie looks painful! Hope the results come back ok...
(You might as well milk the situation all you can and get all the cuddles and treats from your mom.. heheh)
i saw your wound in your earlier post. well, it's just a small wound but somehow you still need like 2 stiches!!!! that's a lot of exclamations!
wet wet licks
oh.. get well soon. and all the best!!
Ouch Ike!
I hope you're okay and there's nothing up with the growth the vet took out! Mum says there's this ongoing conversation on one of her yahoo groups right now about growths and how you can get them to disappear without surgery by using something called black salve!
Ouch! My sister had one of those, but she got lots of extra attention when she was "recovering", so some good might come of it....
So sorry dude! I bet mommy was thinking about your best interests.
Now, you'll have to get extra kisses, hugs, treats, and belly rubs. Play it up as much as you can.
Frenchie Kisses,
Poor Ike!! Your Mom is very smart to get it checked. Better safe than sorry!
Oh no! We hope everything is ok. Keep us updated!
The Brat Pack
Oh dawg! Dontcha hate it when you have ithcy-stitches and you rhuman won't let ya lick 'em? Were you a-scare-ed of the boomies the other night? We sure were!
Wuf Ya! - Gomer & Opie
awww, we hate to see Ike so sad. At least you're getting some frosty paws, where did your humans find them do you know? It's Niko's Birthday May 6th and my mom is taking some into work cuz the cake for my bday made everyone puke.
Hi new friend! Stiches itch! I chewed off my cast to get to mine once!
Ouch, Boy has a lump too and its very round. We are going to go to the the vet to have it check too.
Boy n Baby
Awwww...poor Ike. Make that face a lot so you get extra frosty paws. I hear they help with healing.
That leg should be worth a whole bunch of cookies. If they don't give you enough cookies, be sure to get a voucher.
Bussie Kissies
Oh Ike.....You have a boo-boo. But I must day that the blue bandage is stylin!! Hope you feeling better.
Love, Seadra
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