And this weekend we are going to a wedding in Wisconsin because my mom's cousin who she hasn't seen in like 20 years is getting married and we are all going so I don't have to stay with Tory the trainer except I have to stay in the hotel room instead of going to the wedding because dogs aren't invited to Catholic weddings and my mom hopes they don't do full mass and communion which they probably will. But the cool thing is we will be right by a really big lake so I can walk around it on Sunday after the wedding and hopefully we'll stop for some ice cream which brings me to my next subject because my mom made me some Frosty Paws which she calls Steiner paws (how original) because my nickname is Ikenstein but mostly Steiner.
So here is a picture of my Steiner paw which has nonfat yogurt and some peanut butter and whole banana slices in it which is my favorite and my mom puts them in a silicone muffin pan - which she bought just for me - because they pop out really easily.

And this is my shout out to all the dog moms and naked apes who posted their recipes for homemade FPs - YOU ARE THE BEST!
And this is a picture of me eating my Steiner paw and I wouldn't look at the camera because I was so hungry.

Hi, Ike.
Wow you are going in a trip with your family. Nice!
I hope your mom feels happier at her new work.
I want to post about my homemade "frosty paws". Mine are called "nieve", which means ice cream.
Enjoy your trip.
Hi Ike! I love your blog! Just thought I'd say hi. :)
Oooh! Thanks for the recipe, Mom's gonna try these.
Ike! I'm coming to your house for dessert.
What? We can't go to Catholic weddings? I want a taste of that communion wafer. And what about our eternal souls?
Oh that is the bestest looking frosty paw I have ever seen in my entire life!
Hey Ike...
How cool you get to stay in a hotel...what are you going to do at the hotel by yourself, watch Pay-per-view and break into the mini-bar???
I like your Mom's idea on the silicon pan...right now, my mom only makes ice cubey paws for me and I need/want more. Those are a much better size.
Tell you mom congrats on the new exciting. Will you get to go to work with her???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
PS - Glad you liked my pix yesterday *wink*
I told mommy about those treats, she said she'll make me some too.
Thanks Ike.
Frenchie Kisses,
ummmmmmm those sure do look yummy Ike!
I think that's so cool that you get to go to Wisconsin with the hoomans too! Have a good time and don't forget the camera!
Tell you mom that we wish her good luck in her new job!
Love ya lots,
Sounds like a good trip you are going to go on. Oh my mom says thanks for the idea on the silicone cupcake pan for the "frosty paws". She needs a better idea then the one she had.
Yeah us dogs aren't allowed at Catholic weddings cuz they're afraid we'll steall all the wafers!
Bussie Kissies
ike, wow, i'm envy in green now that you can go for a holiday with the hooman. i bet you are as excited as well that you are not left behind while they are holidaying.
wet wet licks
guess whay !?!?!?! my mom just made me some like 3 seconds ago !!!
Steiner paws? hmmm.
the silicon baking cup is a great idea. mom will need to pick some of those up!
We love your bowl. Those are the kind of bowls that you dont need to bend down to eat right?
Boy n Baby
Your trip sounds like lots of fun. My Mom said that she hopes for your Mom & Dad's sake it's not a full mass either. I hope your Mom gets to spend lots more time with you once she starts her new job!
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