And we went to a concert on Saturday night and it was Amos Lee who my mom loves and it was free because a private college around here hires a cool band at the end of the semester and then they play outside for the school and only like 200 people show up and my mom's friend Angela has a friend who goes to that school and so we went with them even though we don't go to that school. And if we had gotten there earlier, Amos Lee was just hanging out with people and I probably could have gotten my picture taken with him and my mom is bummed that we didn't get there earlier. (Ike's mom here - good music wasted on a bunch of rich kids who sat around talking the whole time - GRRR!) And she didn't bring her camera (bad mommy!) but Angela and her friend did and we're just waiting for Angela to e-mail the pics so I can post them.
And another thing - I was tagged for a belly shot by Balboa so I am pulling out an old pic from the crappy old camera and it's kind of porno so I'm sorry but all my belly shots are kind of porno.

So I tag Bentley and Niko (a twofer) and my sweet, precious, lovable, adorable, beautiful Martha.
And also, I made a card for my mom for Mother's Day and I got her a smoothie and a muffin but they gave me the wrong flavor and it was banana and it was dry so I got to eat it but I didn't really like it which means it was really gross.
And here's a picture of the card I made and I even put the cats on the card but not the thing in the bathtub.

Edit: I just found out about Fufu. I am very sad. We'll miss you Fufu!
Hey looks like you had one too many from that picture you I LOVED your mudder's day are quite an artist. I hope your mom had a great day.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Haha I agree with Ruby!! Nice shot!!! :)
nice card !!!!!
What a nice card. Did your mom put it on the fridge?
What an artist you are Ike! Love the card!
Your tummy shot is too funny! You look like you had a little bit too much to drink there pal! hehehehe
We're very sad about Fufu too.
Love ya lots,
woah now that is some picture! that is a great card you made. I cant wait to see a pic of you with that thing in the bathtub
Hi, Ike. In your picture you looks like you had too much drinks. You made a great card for your mom. I like it a lot!
Sounds like a good concert and don't eat the thing in the bathtub.
our mom listens to Amos Lee! She said she was jealous that you get good concerts like that for free.
we are excited to find some belly shots, I am sure we have some in our barkives.
ah ike, you are right, your belly pic is kinda porno. hehehehe.
at first i thought the card wrote "happy murders day"!
wet wet licks
You're very creative Ike!
LOVE the card! Not sure WHAT to say about your belly picture tho! So...risque!
PS: Our dear FuFu! We'll miss him!
Drunken rocker dog photos! That's the best thing to come back to after you've been on doggie vacation!
Wuf Ya!
Oh, Ike! That is the bestest pic evah! I will show you my belly tomorrow. Love, Martha
Hey Ike man you get to go to concerts! Cool!
How's your leg?
Bussie Kissies
Your mom must have loved the card.
Boy n Baby
AH ha! What an awesome picture. Well done with the card.
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