Thursday, May 17, 2007


So yesterday, my mom was helping paint a ceiling at my grandma and grandpa's house and they left the paint can open on the floor so I tried it. Tastes really gross and I don't think dogs should eat paint anymore and my mom is really glad latex paint is non-toxic.


Ruby Bleu said...

Yucky!!! Glad that you are ok...did you have a funny colored tounge?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Boo Casanova said...

ah ike, i hope you don't have stomach upset even tho u just taste a lil bit of it.

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

Eeewwww.. You tasted paint?? What flav.. oops I meant color was it? Hope you didn't get any on your beautiful coat..

Joe Stains said...

I wanna know what color it was too! did you get some on your face!! I can't believe paint tastes very good at all.

Duke said...

We need to see a picture! What color paint was it? What exactly did it taste like? Curious minds need to know!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

oh my I'm glad it's non toxic too. Did you mom totally freak out?

wally said...

Ewwwww gross! Did you try to paint yourself so that you would blend ito the walls and they wouldn't notice you stealing their dinner? That's a great plan.


Anonymous said...

Ike, Suki did the same thing when I was painting the house! LOL!

Ike, tell your mom that no, Dr. Amy is NOT an orthopedic surgeon and should have refered me to one. If your mom could see the x-rays I picked up from Dr Ogden (the ortho that Twix went to afterwards)she would scream, I guarantee it! The incision (you can see the staples in the x-ray) is zig-zagged, and the pin she placed in his femur extended up into his hip and almost poked out his kneecap. And since pins migrate (right?) it ended up doing just that: it came out through his knee to the other side, almost breaking the skin!

Ferndoggle said...

Well it was there...ya gotta try it. What if it tasted like chicken?

We're glad it's not toxic too! Did you have a sick belly after?

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Tadpole said...

Oh, my sister knocked over a whole (open!) can of black paint onto the carpet one time! I don't think she tasted it, however.... She was even more black than usual for a while, though!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike. I know you needed to know how the paint tasted, I did the same and I didn't like it! I hope you are ok!
Have a nice weekend!

L said...


Wow, I'm glad you're okay though!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Ike,

You have been nominated for "Photo of the Month" over in The Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)


Maggie said...

eeeeewwwwwwwww , thats nasty

Emily and Ike said...

So it didn't taste good and it was white flavor - not like melted marshmallows at all!

Balboa said...

OH NO! I'm glad you didn't get sick dude, You have to be careful!

Did your poop match the paint? hee hee

Frenchie Kisses,

Anonymous said...

I would have done the same thing tasting that paint. Everything looks like food to me especially when it's in a can.

Jessica said...

Too bad the paint wasn't red so you could have put doggie kiss lips all over the walls. That would have been so cool.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

So like what color are your innards now? I have never eaten it - only rolled around in it on the carpet.

Bussie Kissies

Anonymous said...

ikes! What was you thinking?? I prefer rum. BTW, I just posted a belly shot. :)

Myeo said...

We cant believe that you actually taste paint.. so what is the colour of your tongue now?

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

Yuck! What on earth would ever make you try paint? Geesh... we're really gonna have to train you better than that.

Stay away from chocolate and raisins and onions and celery and ...

Hmmm... dogmom says maybe we're not the best example...

Gomie and Opie