Sunday, May 27, 2007

High five.

So nobody tagged me for the 7 things tag and I am very offended and Suki posted hers and said that it's an open tag so I will use that as my tag.
So here are 7 fun facts about me!
1. My favorite color is brown because that is what color I am and so is cat poop.
2. My first name was Chance (ugh!) and then they called me Pepper Jack at rescue.
3. Sometimes I snore so loud I wake my mom up and she has to push me into a new position.
4. I had a tongue transplant from a Newfoundland.
5. I have 14 sweaters/jackets and one pair of crotchless jeans.
6. I'm more of a cat person.
7. My favorite song is "I wanna be your dog" by Iggy Pop because when my mom was contemplating going to see me for the first time (because Meg had just died and she was feeling really guilty about getting another dog) that song came on the radio and sealed the deal.

And I also have some really big news - my dad taught me how to high five in like 10 tries the other night because I am so smart.

And here is a video of me high fiveing.


Ruby Bleu said...

Right on Ike with the high cool. Hey, I know you've been busy learning your new trick, but did you happen to read my post from Wednesday?

I have a question for you...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ruby Bleu said...

Dearest Ike...
I like that you (and your dad) think you should be a one girl kind of guy. I can respect that...especially since I'm pals with Martha too. Just know that I have the HUGEST crush on you! ***swoon***

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

I just love your tongue! It was so much fun to see it in action!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike. Those are fun facts about you, glad you tagged yourself!
Nice video about your high five trick. You are so smart.
Have a nice day

Peanut said...

That is the coolest trick. I need to learn to do that.

Joe Stains said...

wow ike you are VERY smart. chance really is not a name for a boston terrier, ike suits you much better!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! I haven't figured out how to do anything except sit, lie down, and dance.

Ike is a much better name for you. I'm glad Chance was put up on the name shelf just like Sasha (my name before Mom rescued me).

Boo Casanova said...

ike, you know how to high five! i want to learn too. mom been teaching me "hand" but i never able to get it.

wet wet licks


Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Ike.. I am sorry I forget to tag you!! I cannot believe how the oversight happened.. sheesh..You can be assured that if I ever get tagged (which happens too often these days), I will tag you!
I enjoyed reading the facts abt you.. esp abt the toungue.. ROFL

Jessica said...

That's the best high 5 we've ever seen!!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

wally said...

Dude! I can't believe you didn't get tagged. From now on I'm totally tagging you.

Wow--your high five is AWESOME, particularly the drools.

And Ike is a great name for a great dog. You should get a brother named Iggy.


Suki & Joey said...

Oh my gosh, Ike, you are so smart! I don't like to do tricks, so I think Mom has given up on me.

I'm glad I kind of tagged a way :)

Puggy kisses

Myeo said...

We noticed that althou you were hi 5-ing you never take your eyes off the treats. Smart of you!

Boy n Baby

The Brat Pack said...

You are SO smart!!! That's some impressive goober too.

The Brat Pack

Tadpole said...

Pepper Jack is a nice name for a cute dog, but Ike is the perfect name for a dignified, handsome man doggin like yourself. :-)

My sister does a high five whenever someone says "GO CUBS!" I haven't learned how yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ike - nobody tagged us either. We're beginning to think nobody likes us anymore...
Gomer & Opie

Balboa said...

I agree with Wally, I love the drools too. That was the best part of the video, OH and you really are a smart dog dude!

Frenchie Kisses,

Maggie said...

ike ,
OMG !! i cant belive i forgot to tag you :( i was gunna but forgot :( saaawwwwwie .
you are soo smart !!!

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Wow Ike! A tounge transplant AND a dad with really cool pants! Great high 5 too! heehee!

PS: I've been tagged 3x and haven't had a chance to get to one yet! Y9o9u can have one of my tags if you want!

Anonymous said...

hey Ike,
Nice high 5. tell your mom congratulations on her new job. you must be so proud of her. I am!!!