So Angela e-mailed the pics from the Amos Lee show on Saturday and I'm really excited because they show how cool I am. Thank you Angela and Linda for having enough brains to bring your cameras because my mom obviously is lacking in that department.
Here are the pics.

And this pic was the best part of the show because some d-bag spilled a whole bunch of his Cheez-Its and my mom forgot to feed me dinner before the show so I got to eat them.
You are too cool for scholl in those photos. It looked like you were having loads of fun! Yay on the cheese-its and HOW DARE your Mom not feed you!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You are so cool. Cheese its are to good. I love those things
Like we need pictures to know how cool you are, we know that already. Hey they D-Bags are the baseball team here in Arizona. :)
Ike, you are a total rock star!!!!
Wow! I've never been to a concert before! Lucky you Ike!
Love ya lots,
ah ike, you should have a star treatment - you should have the front seat! i'm glad you got some cheez-its coz no dinner sucks!
wet wet licks
Hiya Ike!
That show looks like a blast! I wanna go to a show!
You rock Ike!! Those cheese-its look yummy.. how many did you eat??
Ike, you're a groupie!! And part of the clean up crew.
What a life.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
That is so cool. We have never been to a concert before.
Boy n Baby
You are so way cool. And so way lucky - my girl would never let me eat cheeze-its off the ground....
Wow, Ike... we've never been to a concert... and we rarely, if ever, get cheese-its. Hmmm... you're our Ike-Idol!
Wuf Ya! Gomer & Opie
Hi Ike. Looking at your pictures I'd like to go to a concert too!
Those cheese-its look delicious!
Have a nice day.
You're one awesome rocker dog, dude. Nice one hanging out with the "college crowd". Did you smell anything funny in the air?
Puggy kisses
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