Ok, so a couple days ago my dad got this really important phone call where these people were like 'will you come work for us in Washington?' and my dad was all 'totally.' So we're pretty much moving to Washington in a couple of WEEKS! And my parents are super excited, and my mom is happy and sad all at the same time because she leaves behind family and friends and stuff. But she's super excited to have no more snow and super long and super cold winters and she really loves the ocean which I have never seen before so I think it might be overrated.
Whoa - I just took a break to run back and forth through the living room and the kitchen a few times because I'm so excited.
We are moving to Barkingham which is really close to Vanpoover where they love dogs and feed them steak all the time and they're totally cool with you pooping on the floor and eating it. Odin and Saffron and Duncan totally don't get what's going on and they just like playing in the boxes. They don't realize that they will be stuck in my kennel in the back seat of the car for like 2 and a half days. HA!
And my mom told her work today that she is leaving and they are all sad, and my dad told his job too and they are all sad.
And Auntie Kathryn is sad.
And Erin and Brekkyn are sad.
And Grandpa is sad.
OMD - why is everyone so sad!?!
How am I gonna make everyone happy for us?
Do you think this super cute picture will help?