Monday, July 16, 2007

Martha, Martha, Martha!

So you ask 'another package, Ike?' It's from Martha and she is the best and in it was a Dino Cuz and a giant Loofa dog (and I already chewed his arm off) and a box of Zen Puppy treats - the Energy ones because I'm lazy and will need energy because Martha is a lot younger than me and also a card and a beautiful, beautiful picture of Martha!

Isn't she the sweetest?

Don't we look great together!?!

"I love you Martha!"

You see the faraway look in my eye ...


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
Of course Martha is sweetest girl sending you presents and love for your adoption day!
I like how do you two look together!
Have a good night

Sophie Brador said...

You're perfect for each other! I totally knew it the second I saw that lost picture of your with the blue dog.

Ruby Bleu said...

I never considered myself the jealous type, but I'm really jealous of what you two have *sigh*.

You are so cute together...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

Ike, you are one LUCKY dog, martha is pretty dreamy. for a girl.

Ume said...

u 2 look pawfect together, Ike!
Martha is such a sweetie!

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Awwww you two make an adorable couple. You are both gorgeous.

Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles

Duke said...

You and Martha totally compliment each other Ike! You're one lucky dog! Martha is a cutie!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

Oh you are martha are so cute together. Those are some great presents.

Stanley said...


I've said it before... you're ONE LUCKY DOG, MAN! That Martha is a keeper, but you two do look an awful lot alike. There's no chance you're related is there? (Whoa! The Horror...)

Enjoy your haul of presents. They're good ones. (She's a looker and gives good prezzies - that's the double whammy).

Goob love,

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
Yeah, I think Martha is sooooo sweet and the both of you look wonderful together.
You are one lucky dog...

Balboa said...

You make such an adorable couple!

Frenchie Snorts

wally said...

A blue wiener? That's true love. Every dog needs a dog to tear legs off of stuffies for her.


Tadpole said...

Wow - you two are soulmates, I can just tell. You look fabulous together!

Ferndoggle said...

What a great gal you've got there Ike. She really knows how to treat a guy. You've got yourself a keeper.


Martha said...

I'm so glad you like your gifts! Your handsomeness just melts my heart. Love, Martha

Gwyn Valentine said...

Awwww... Martha is such a sweetie!!!
PAWFECT couple!

Jessica said...

Yes, you and Martha look great together.

We especially like the picture of you with the far away look.

You two are just too cute.

Love, Seadra and Zoe