Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today was the coolest because I went to see my dad for his lunch break and it was raining so we had to eat in the car so we got fast food which we never do and then afterward my mom was like 'ooo my stomach' and my dad was like 'ooo my stomach' and I was like 'ooo my stomach' because they gave me a few french fries and then then talked about how french fries are carcinogens - whatever that means - but they still taste good. And then my dad was like 'why is Ike's tongue blue and why is he drooling' and I was sitting on his lap facing him and then my mom said 'I think he's gonna barf' so my dad quick turned me out toward the outside because the car door was open and I totally barfed all down the inside of the door because it was projectile and my mom couldn't stop laughing because her car is old and she thinks barfing is funny and she had to clean the car with one of her old scrub tops and puddle water - ha!
And of course my mom never has the camera when cool stuff happens so I had to draw a picture of it to share with you guys and I feel fine now - thanks for asking.

Oh yeah - forgot to add that my mom and dad are fine too - just fat.


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hahaha nothing like a good barf story!

Bussie Kissies

Peanut said...

oh hahaha that is to funny. barf is great. Glad you are feeling better though.

Ruby Bleu said...

My Mom is laughing so hard!!!! I love that picture! You are such and artist Ike!!!

Glad you are feeling better. I've never had a french fry...but I guess I won't have one now since they make BTs sick!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
You made a great drawing to illustrate what happened. I am glad to hear that you are feeling ok now!
Your mom and dad are ok too? I hope so!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

this made my Mom LOL a lot! my mom and dad are fat too, no big deal!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a great pic you drew. Now I can visualize the barfing..
SO your parents didn't barf at all?

~ girl girl

Duke said...

OMG great drawing! You're entering Nanook's contest, right?
Hey, Mitch and I have had fries and no barfing here! How many did you have?

Love ya lots,

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

French fries are okay, but you should make them get you a cheeseburger. Those are awesome! Glad you are feeling better.


Tadpole said...

Oh that's my favoritest story ever!

It would have been even BETTER if all of your would have barfed in unison, though!

Ferndoggle said...

Well I'm never eating french fries if they make you barf. I hate barfing. It makes me pee.


wally said...

Oh man barf is so great! I've never tried it in the car, only on the piles of clean clothes and the ape bed. The illustration is AWESOME.

Next time try a cheeseburger. If your barf is gross enough maybe your peeps will join in!


FleasGang said...

That is AWESOME! It could have turned into a total barf-o-rama if your mom and dad had weak tummies :-)

The FleasGang

Suki & Joey said...

LOL! That was the bestest picture EVER, Ike! You are sooo talented :)

I'm glad you feel better - and I'm glad your parens are OK, too.

Puggy kisses

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

LoL too funny and a great pic.

Tail wags

Balboa said...

my mom and dad are fat too, ha ha ha.

Oh no, I hope you are feeling better, but barfing is funny especially when its on human stuff. hee hee

FRenchie Snorts

Gwyn Valentine said...


The picture is great!


Stanley said...


Now THAT, my friend, is a great story!! Your illustration made it even better. (Do you have an agent? If not, better get one soon).

Goober love,

Casper and pals said...

LOL- But one thing: Why did you barf from fries??? Fries are so so good!!!!