Saturday, June 30, 2007

Adoption day presents early!

So, I got a box in the mail just now from Ruby because it's almost my adoption anniversary and my dad thought we should wait to open it until the 2nd, but my mom said no and I said hell no and I got to open it and I got LOTS of cool stuff including a personalized hand-knitted bandanna!
So this was my haul: one bag of delicious Newman's Own peanut butter treats (Ike's mom here - thanks Ruby for healthy treats and no junk food!), one red, squeaky Popsicle, one blue Wubba and best of all, my tough-guy cool-ass bandanna! Oh and she also sent me a really nice letter that I am going to keep forever and ever and ever and ever.
This is a picture of me trying to tell my parents to cut the damn tape!

And this is a picture of me and all of my awesome new stuff (and Odin trying stealing my treats)!

And this is a picture of Duncan trying to convince me to send him to Ruby because she has such good taste in presents but I didn't because he was too big for the box.

And I'm not really sure what's going on here.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike!!!

So glad you liked all your prezzies. I can see the bandana is a tad big..but that's ok you STILL look so amazingly studly in it!!! Happy early adoption day!!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Those are to cool presents. Neat Neat Neat. I like you handmade bandana.

Suki & Joey said...

Isn't Ruby the greatest? She is so sweet and so pretty and so nice...I think you get the point. I should just shut up cuz I know you belong to Martha, but C'MON!!! Look how cute she is!!!!

Happy early adoption day, Ike! You sure are lucky to have such a loving family and great pals :)

Puggy kisses

Joe Stains said...

princess sparkle only gets to eat the meaty parts off the outside, then the bones get thrown away. so I guess king sparkle is kinda mean too since he gives to her then TAKES AWAY!

Joe Stains said...

now to the important stuff, you look TOTALLY bad ass in that bandana

Balboa said...

OH WOW, how nice of Ruby. SHe's so sweet.

What great gifts. Even better what a great family. Speaking of family, I tagged you, check it out....

Frenchie Snorts

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
You got pretty nice presents from Ruby! She is really nice.
Your handmade bandana is cool!!
Did Odin get your treats?? I hope not!!
Have a good night

Miss Reina said...

Hi Ike,
Happy early Adoption Day!
That is a really nice knitted bandana!
Ruby is so cool!

Duke said...

Awesome scarf and Ruby knit this with her own to paws for you??!! You scored bigtime and a early too! You're one lucky dog Ike! Happy early adoption day!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

Ok that bandana is PAWESOME. Ruby is so nice.

Could I maybe have your address? I've totaly paw-crastinated on this but I do have a little something to send you for your adoption day. And, frankly, you should celebrate ALL MONTH because what would your peeps do without you?

My e-mail is wallythecorgador at


Stanley said...

Congratulations, Ike!!

Like Wally said, celebrate all month long. The peeps are lucky to have you.

That Ruby is very coolio! She has excellent taste (in friends and prezzies), and I too think you look very badass in your hand-knitted bandana!

Very cool, man.

Goob love,

Myeo said...

Those are cool stuff. So are youing to share them?

Boy n Baby

The Brat Pack said...

Oh Ike! That haul is greatness! Your bandana rocks!

The Brat Pack

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Ike,
Happy ADOPTION day!! Ruby's a great friend huh? Sending you those lovely pressies!!
Are your parents planning a pawty for you?

Balboa said...




Bailey said...

Wow, you made out like a bandit. I see a cat there, need any help chasing it? If yes, then I'm just the person for the job. Love to corner them under the bed - I always say, "I'm goin' in." Come visit my blog sometime. Luv, Bailey

Snowball said...

Hi Ike,

I am here to wish you a happy adoption day. The gifts you have received are awesome. I love that handknitted scarf.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Ike, those are great present you got there. Hee the cats in your house are pretty funny..

~ girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike !!!

have a great day with lotsa hugs, kisses and of coz treats!!!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Adoption day Ike - I am so glad that you found such a wonderful furever home :)


wally said...

Happy Burpday IIIIIIIKE! I hope your peoples get you lots of great stuff to celebrate you rescuing them from life without Ike.


Boo Casanova said...

happy adoption day ike! i'm glad you found your forever home and a sweet one too.

wet wet licks


FleasGang said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike! Ruby really hooked you up right with all the pressies. She really is a super doggie. Have a great day.

The FleasGang

ToFFee said...

Hi Ike!

I pawed by your bloggie!

Isn't Ruby gweat?

she's like santa paws and it's not even christmas yet!

happy adoption day!'do you have a pawty?

ask for icecream from your pawrents!


Peanut said...

happy Adoption Day Ike.

Juno said...

Happy Adoption Day, Ike! :)

Hi, my name is Momo... I've read your name before on many other doggies blogs so I wanted to come by to say HELLO!

I really like your bandana!! Ruby is so sweet!

Momo xoxo

Tadpole said...


And Happy Adoption Day (one day late)!!!

Duke said...

Happy adoption day Ike! Hope you get lots of ice cream to lick!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
Happy Adoption Day my friend.
Please tell us if you are going to have a party?? If so, show us pictures, ok??

DogMom said...

Happy Adoption Anniversary Ike!
Yippeeeee! If we had known earlier... we woulda sent ya something... (not really, but we had ya there for a minute, didn't we?)
Wuf Ya!
Gomer & Opie

Nessa Happens said...

Happy Birthday Ike!


Nanook and Pooka

Ferndoggle said...

Wow really made out! That Ruby is pAwesome. Happy Adoption Day! Party hard, dude.


Sophie Brador said...

You must be having one hell of a party, Ike! I hope this is the best adoption day ever!

The Airechicks said...

Happay Adoption Day Ike:

Your look "MARVELOUS" who got some great pressies....

That scarf is to give up treats for...okay maybe one or two treats...

Have a wonderful day

Suki & Joey said...

Happy Adoption Day, Ike!!!

Puggy kisses!

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Ike-- That has to be the coolest scarf ever!!! So tuff-n-stuff :) I think you might the best lookin boy out there--next to me of course :)
