Friday, January 16, 2009

When Mom's away.

The Ikes do play! So my mom went to California to visit my Uncle Travis and his family and left me here in the cold, all alone with Dad and the cats and Barack Obetta the fish. I'm trying to pretend that it's ok, but I would totally rather be in Cali right now because it's seriously 100 degrees warmer there, seriously.


chelsea + apple said...

Your's mom is lucky being warms!!! it's cold and I'z live a few states above her's in Washington!!! ieieieieieie

<3 Apple

Ruby Bleu said...

It is pretty nice here the last few're Mom so should have brought you, we could be hanging by the pool right now Ikes!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

How could she leave you to freeze and go off and be warm?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I am sure you and your Dad will find something interesting to do while you mom is away!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


YOu know you and your dad are gonna eat junk food and scratch yourselves and fart freely while your mama's gone. Enjoy the male bonding. She'll be home before you know it, man.

Goob love,

Duke said...

Make your dad take you for hamburgers, Ike! And pizza and beer with the playoff games would be great! That would be fun! Twist his arm a little bit, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

My mom calls me Barack OBoston!!

Joe Stains said...

dang dude, time to make some stains. it was 75 degrees here yesterday.

Randi said...

Awww IKE!!!! Your ma's in my state! I wish she could have at least brought you to hang out...or maybe some snow...& maybe some yummy dessert from Bread & Chocolate on Grand or yummies from Cafe Latte...

Love & Licks,