Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nerstrand Woods

So today it was all rainy and stuff but my dad wanted to go to the forest which is like a forever drive away and we went there with my grandma and walked around in the rain and it was awesome. I even rolled in poop so I had to sleep on the floor in the car because my mom said I was too stinky to sleep on her lap. Whatever. Then I got a bath ... again.

These are stump paths which are cool.

This is a picture of me contemplating what the forest means to me.

And this is a picture of me running through the forest because I'm really fast like my fiance, Martha.

And this is a picture of me and my dad by a really cold and loud waterfall.

And yes, all the wedding attire will be pink. Wally, Joe, Doofus and Stan all have to wear pink tuxes with me.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

The waterfall is so bootiful, Oh I can drive my pink car to your wedding Ike. :)

~ Girl girl

Ruby Bleu said...

That looked like a fun day...and I liked your sweater!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
Sure you had a great day with your parents!
Yes, you look very handsome with your sweater!
Everything will be pink? I can't wait to see all the boys wearing pink clothes!
Have a nice day

Suki & Joey said...

You're gonna wear a pink tux? Cool! Can Joey wear pink, too? He really, really likes it.

Puggy kisses

wally said...

Wow! Those are great pictures. You really look good in nature.

And I am totally Pretty in Pink.


Martha said...

Wow! You are fast! Why didn't you come to my pawty. *sob* Love, Martha

Joe Stains said...

oh boy, pink?! I might need to buff up so nobody mistakes me for a girl. The doofus should look great though!

Duke said...

Do you want the wedding guests all in pink too, Ike?

Love ya lots,

Balboa said...

WOW, what a peaceful and interesting walk in the woods. Cool sweater dude.

Frenchie SNorts

Jen and Suki said...

Pink! I love it! Where is the wedding - your place, or Martha's?

Those are beautiful pictures. Don't worry about the pee-mail - it will keep and I'm sure I'll make more once BBB (Bob the Bichon Buddy) leaves. We don't walk well together. Plus I hate rain.

Suki & Joey said...

Ike, are you serious?!? Whoa! When are you guys moving west? Why? Where? So many questions! :)

We're gonna move whenever our house sells, but we've been trying for over 7 months and no offers. Bummer. But once it does, we'll be in Eugene. Maybe you, Ruby & I can meet up sometime!

Puggy kisses

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Ike, Your forest is amazing and I wish I could come live with you guys and go visit it all the time.


Kevin said...


It looks like a fun day in the forest. I like the waterfall best. The water looks cooling! I would take a dip in it.=P


Poppy said...

Cool, you are a hiking dog just like me! That is a very pretty forest you went to.


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Hello ~ I Bark your blog:O)
Hope you stop by mine sometimes, so we can make friends.
Tailwags Sir Chancelot

Jessica said...

Wow, that looks like the best place to be. It's so beautiful!! Those are the best pictures.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Daisy said...

Thanks for visiting me, Ike. You are too cute. Er, I meant to say you are very handsome. You are very smart to pick pink for your wedding because pink is the very best color of all.

Sir Chance-Lot said...

How the bark have I missed your funny blog all this time????
We have all the same friends too?!!
Golden Slober

Myeo said...

That looks like great fun.

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...


Cool place for an afternoon romp. You look like you're running like the wind in that one photo.

I always used to think your mom was the one who liked to dress you up, but now that I can tell that your dad is a clothes horse, I'm certain he is the one. (Tell him he accessorizes well ~ that hat is kickin').

I will proudly wear pink for you, man!

Goober love,

Anonymous said...

vMhAAl Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

cCtK2C Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

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Please write anything else!

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Hello all!

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Anonymous said...

7aD7Sw Nice Article.

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Thanks to author.