Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Destination Wedding.

Forgot to tell you all - AireRuby is taking us all to a place called Martha in France.
It's right by the water.

Only the classiest for my babe!

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Sir Chance-Lot said...

hehe~Thanks for stopping by my "psychedelic" blog...lol.
I just finished reading a bunch of your stuff, and You are one funny dawg!
Hey And you are getting married.....??? Hey I know we dont know each other real good yet, but can I come? My uncle Sean, just came back from France yesterday..he left on friday to go see the world championship between UK and France Rugby...it was CRAZY he said..hehe
(UK won)
I already know Ruby real good, so no problem hitching a ride on air ruby for me..Ill be there if you let me!
Tailwags and droolalot
Sir Chancelot
Sir Bacon
Sir GoofAlot

Martha said...

What a perfect choice! You are so romantic, my love. Love, Martha

Ruby Bleu said...

Thanks for the info...I'll be preparing all the flight arrangements tonight and post the reservation list. Let me know if there is anything else you need, ok?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

The PERFECT choice, Ike!
You think of everything!
Martha is one lucky girl!

Love ya lots,

Unknown said...

PUHLEASE don't tell me I have to learn French and wear PINK?

wally said...

Will you have French Fries at your reception?


ps. What's the plan for the bachelor party!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
Excellent choice! Sure you want the best for Martha!

Myeo said...

Martha is so lucky! You are a great guy, Ike.

Boy & Baby

Stanley said...


Nice choice, man. Can't wait to celebrate you and Martha Girl in France!

Goob love,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh this is so exciting! Will AirRuby be painted pink to match for the wedding too?

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Wow France! Even The Mom hasn't been there! I'd better get the passport ready!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh I have never had the pleasure of meeting an about to be married Dog!

Congratulations, I am a pal of Ruby's.

Your Blog is cool, check out mine if you get a mo! You are soooooooo adult, having a future wife and all!

licks, from Marvin the Bachelor Boy in Scotland xxxxx

Scrappy and Pebbles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben & Darling said...

Oh, Im with Air Ruby!!! Will be there on time. By the way, do I need to learn French?? and I dont need a pink attire huh?

Sophie Brador said...

Does this mean swimming?