Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Just a quick post - our thoughts are with all the people and the families of those involved in the bridge collapse in Minneapolis over the Mississippi.
My brother drove over that bridge earlier today, and we are thankful we are all ok.
Emily and Ike


Ruby Bleu said...

My Mom was really worried about you guys after hearing that on the news. So glad you are all ok.

Lots of Licks, Ruby & Michele

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh dear.. that's really terrible. Glad that your brother is ok.

Joe Stains said...

Dad's family is there too and they are all ok, we are so glad your family is fine also.

Duke said...

This is just horrible! We're so glad you're okay but our hearts go out to those who didn't fare so well.

Love ya lots,

wally said...

Hey Ike,

Glad you and your family are safe! What a sad day for the Cities.


Stanley said...


Good to know you and the fam are ok. I was just going to email you and thought I'd stop by first to see if you had said anything about the bridge here. Sad day for the Twin Cities. We're praying here.

Goober love,

Balboa said...

what a tragedy, i can't imagine, those poor people.

I am so glad you and your family are okay,


Suki & Joey said...

This is so terrible. We are all so sad here, Mom keeps watching the news for updates. I'm glad your family is safe.

Puggy kisses
Suki & Katy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
I am so happy your brother is ok.
We are praying for all those affected by the accident.
Take care

Sophie Brador said...

We are so relieved to hear you guys are okay. We had an overpass collapse in much the same way last year. It's a very scary thing. We are nervous every time we get stuck in traffic on or under one of those old, crumbling things.

Ike, you might want to consider Engineering school when you grow up. I think we will need a few of them to rebuild all these dangerous bridges.

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Ike,

So glad your brother is okie!~
Hope everyone will be fine out there!


Ferndoggle said...

We're so glad you & your family are safe, Ike. What a tragedy.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Martha said...

We are so glad you're all okay! Love, Martha

Ume said...

oh my doG! dats terrible!
thank doG your brother is safe!

Jen and Suki said...

Hi, Ike. My name is Suki Sumo and I am from St. Paul as well. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime!

(Mom says) My sister drove over the bridge just five minutes before it reportedly collapsed. I work a block or so away from the Mill City Museum, so traffic has been horrendous. Glad to see all is well with you and your family. -Jen