Saturday, August 11, 2007

Raining on my parade.

So tonight we were supposed to go to the Irish Festival on Harriet Island, but there is a big storm, and I'm super bummed because I went last year and I got to eat a lot of stuff and a lot of people said hi to me. And there has been no rain at all this summer except for a huge storm last night and I slept under the covers because it was so loud and a lot of trees fell over but none in my yard.
And my dad has a show on KFAI radio every Sunday night at 10:30pm and it's called Variations on a Theme and tomorrow he is doing a show on the best subject ever - DOGS! And you can listen to it online if you want.
And I'm sorry I haven't posted a lot lately or gone to many blogs to comment because my mom has been really lazy and hasn't been helping me and there's nothing going on around here either so we're kinda lethargic.
And this is a picture of me ready for the show and then my dad told me it's tomorrow.


Jessica said...

You look like you could do that show with your Dad. Great picture!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Balboa said...

I agree with Seadra and ZOe, that show would rock if you helped your dad.

Frenchie SNorts

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
I know that raining thing is not fun!
You look so ready for the show!
Take care

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwww I wish we could get that station! The show would be better if you could be on it too Ike! Love that picture!

Love ya lots,

Gwyn Valentine said...

Oh dear, the weather sounds awful.

YOu look so cute in that picture. Can we listen to your dad from Singapore?


Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Such wierd weather everywhere!!! Well, if ya have to be inside, atleast it is with your family. Radio show?!! WOW -- is your dad a celebrity?


wally said...

If you can't go to the festival than I think it is only fair that your peeps pretend to be people at the fair and give you assorted fair foods and tell you how adorable you are.

Wow--that's cool that your dad has a RADIO SHOW. I'm going to tell my hu-man friends in the cities to LISTEN TO IKE'S DAD. You would make a totally great shock jock yourself. I'd listen. I'd be an Ikehead.


Jen and Suki said...

Hey neighbor! Mom says if she can stay up late enough tonight she will listen to your dad's radio show. Especially if it's about dogs! I think I saw something about Lake Como on you blog here - that's mommy's favorite place to walk, but it's still a little too far for me to go around. I think it will be better when the weather cools off a bit.

Also I hope you didn't get hit too hard by the storm on Friday night!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
Oh wow..your dad's a DJ on the radio? COOOLLLLLL!!! Will you be guest starring on his radio show? :)

Ian said...

If you are interested in listening, the show is always archived for two weeks. Here is the program page.

I hope you enjoy it.
- Ian (Ike's "Old Man")

Myeo said...

That is so cool!

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Ike, how come your dad did not bring you with him??

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Ike, you sure look cute in the earphones. :)

~ Girl girl

Tadpole said...

Oh, I missed it! They probably have it available on pod-casts or something though, right? I'll head over and check it out.

Oh, never mind - I just saw the note your dad left. :-)

My girl's on the radio too. Or she was until she got this new job.

Stanley said...

Hey, Ike.

I'm listening to your dad's show from last night while I'm typing here! Are you like the studio dog?? You look at home in those "cans" man!

I'm with Wally. I'd be an IKEHEAD!

Your goober bud,

Ruby Bleu said... and Mom are going to have to check that out. Were you a guest on the show? You totally should be!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Balboa said...


Can we use this pic of you for our Caption Game on Thursday? If not, we understand.

Frenchie Snorts