Sunday, August 5, 2007


So, I got two new cousins this week and one was born on Wednesday and her name is Nia and the other was born today and her name is Nina which is super confusing. So welcome to the world Nia and Nina and here are some words to live by: Be good and you will get treats, be bad and you will still get treats.
So here is a picture of Nia and she lives in California and Nina is in Korea but the family will be back in the states soon and I don't have a picture of her yet. And Nia is smiling because she is thinking about dogs.

Edit - Nina got a name change to Jina at the last minute. Whew - confusion averted!
And here's a picture of Jina.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
Welcome to Nia and Nina. I hope you have the chance to meet them in peson soon!
Sure you have good advices for them. I hope they know who knows the best.
Have a nice day

Balboa said...

COngratulations on your newborn cousins Nia and Nina.

Nia is simply adorable, and your advice is so true.

Frenchie SNorts

Peanut said...

Well congrats on the cousins. One of them needs to move by you though because I tell you babies and little kids are the best for getting extra food.

Ruby Bleu said...

Congratulations Ike!!! Hey are you going to come visit Nia in CA, if so we can play!!!

Good Advice...Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

your words to live by are so true, you should frame them and put them on the wall.

your cousin sure is cute!!!

wally said...

Hi Ike! Your cousin would be cuter with a bit more fur but not bad! I can tell she's dreaming of Ike in that picture! Congrats.


Jessica said...

Aw....a newborn baby with a beautiful smile. Welcome to the world Nia and Nina.....we don't know how you are going to keep those names straight.

Enjoy your new cousins.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Stanley said...


Nia is a cute little munchkin pup. When will her fur start to come in?

Goob love,

Unknown said...

Oh my Dog! I've never seen a human that cute before... us doggins got some competition!!! hehehhe


Myeo said...

Wow..2 cousins! By the way, how did you know Nia was thinking of dogs.

Boy n Baby

Duke said...

awwwwwwwww how sweet she is! Congrats Ike! Two new cousins to snitch food from one day!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

She sure is cute! I think she looks a bit like me, with the no hair and all....

Sophie Brador said...

Of course she is thinking only of you, Ikeyboo. You could just call both of them N and avoid the confusion.

P.S. Please save me!!!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
I'm sure your two cousins will get a chance to meet you one day! :)

Anonymous said...


To avoid confusion, Mommy and Daddy changed my name to Jina.

Pictures are coming...


Suki & Joey said...

Welcome to the world, Nia & Jina! What adorable little hooman pups they are :)

I agree, Ike. Nia must have been thinking about dogs cuz we are the bestest.

Puggy kisses

DogMom said...

Whew, good thing they fixed the names. Can you imagine the trouble they would have training them?
Wuf Ya!
Gomer & Opie

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Wow... 2 pretty babies!! Umm.. ok I am not sure if you are a good influence on them when they are growing up though.. heehee

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh your new cousins look so cute and so sweet to smile thinking of doggies. :)

~ Girl girl

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I received an email from Jennifer at Dogs n Us Community inviting me to join their community. They had already added my blog, without asking, without my approval. I see that your blog is also listed on this site. I am sking you to email them at and tell them to remove your blog from their site. This is a blatant rip off of our Dogs With Blogs Community and I for one do not appreciate it.

Bussie Kissies

Balboa said...

yeah, I'm glad too, and love both names. Such beautiful little girls.

Hope you teach them well.

Frenchie Snorts