Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It came, it came!

So I got my first ever piece of mail yesterday and it was my Fetching Tag which is the coolest thing ever because you all voted for my tagline and I look really handsome wearing it and mom took off my rabies tag because it detracted from my Fetching Tag's beauty and I was like "should you really do that" and she was like "whatever."

So here's a picture of me holding handsome for ransom.

But I also have some really bad news ... yesterday, it snowed - yep, it even snows in April in this hell hole and I am trying to convince my mom and dad to move and they are planning on it, but not just yet. And also, Atticus left today, so no more treat dispenser.


The Brat Pack said...

LOVE the tag, it's so you!

Dot from The Brat Pack

Anonymous said...

Verrreeyyy nice tag! It snowed at our house today too. We're trying to convince dogmom to take us back to Arizona...

Tadpole said...

Oh that ROCKS, Ike!!!

Balboa said...

cool photo dude. You are definately handsome!

Sophie Brador said...

Nice tag! How much did you win at poker the other day? I hope you took at the money that cat had!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Do you realize you are probably a felon for not wearing your rabies tag?

It never snows here.

Bussie Kissies

wally said...

Oh man that's awesome! I don't think I could afford the ransom cuz man you've got a lot of handsome in that picture.


Duke said...

Bummer - more snow, huh! Will the Easter bunny be able to find you?
Love the tag Ike!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Your new tag looks great! It's trying very hard to snow here too AND it's very, very windy.

Joe Stains said...

that tag is the BEST. Ike, you should move to AZ, imagine the fun we would have!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ike! That's so cool!! It rocks.. just like you!

Anonymous said...

You're so handsome!

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Why, I never thought it possible, but that tag makes you look even MORE handsome!

Myeo said...

Nice Tag!

Boy n Baby

Ferndoggle said...

Yuck! It's snowing here too! We're stick of snow!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Peanut said...

The tag just adds to your handsomeness. Sorry your treat dispenser went away. Tell your mom and dad you need a baby of your own. Kids are the best for getting food you aren't supposed to have.
It snowed here today too.

jenn said...

Ike, you look good. I want a tag like that too.

I never see snow, but I don't think I'd like it - I hate the cold.

♥ Saidie

Suki & Joey said...

Hey Ike! It's my first time visiting your blog and it's very cool :)

Hey! I have a tag from Fetching Tags, too! Mine is also "squarish". hehehe. Mine says "Small Dog, Big Heart" and I got it a couple of weeks ago - aren't they the greatest tags ever?

Puggy kisses

Deanna said...

It even snowed here on Easter - in Texas! What?

Great tag - very handsome on you.