Ok, so Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Ansel finally came to visit me last weekend, and we drove all over the place and went to the tide pools and then Vanpoover and Seattle and did tons of stuff! And there was this family at the tide pools that were oooohing and aaahhhhing all over me because they had never seen a real brown Boston terrier and they have a black one. There was all this sea life and sunshine and beautiful views, and all they did was look at me and talk about how handsome I am!
This is Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Ansel in case you forgot what they look like.

My mom kept playing with this function on her camera which made her take eleventybillion pictures of me and she was all - no Ike, stay, no Ike stay. Ugh, it was terrible.

And then she pulled my ear!

Here I am with my dad looking for that raccoon that I saw.

Here, my dad is all "let's go, enough with the pictures already!"

This is Vanpoover from a lookout at Stanley Park.

And then I met these funny kids when we were at Granville Island in Vanpoover and they kept saying eeeewww buttocks whenever they saw my butt! Ha!

Here's me and my mom.

High five for a pawesome weekend! I'll miss you Kathryn and Ansel - come live here!