Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lummi Island.

So last weekend (which was forever ago but my mom is just getting around to posting this) we took a ferry to Lummi Island which was totally beautiful!
We went to a sculpture garden where we looked at some really crazy sculptures and I sat in the car while my mom and dad went to a restaurant - nice, huh? I guess they did bring me a clam chowder sandwich that they made, but still. We sat in the sun at the sculpture place for a super long time, and we listened to the waves and got really tan.
This is the view from the sunny spot.

Here's me and my mom.
I was staring at the sea looking really, super handsome.

My mom thinks my dad looks really handsome here. I think I look really handsome.

And here's me and my mom by some whale bones.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The post khould have been named Two Handsome Dudes Just Chillin'


pam said...

Boy Ike you really do have the life!

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

did you get to chew on those bones???? They look pretty good. would love one for in my play yard.
Your pal, Morgan

Dexter said...

You are the handsomest in that photo. Sorry dad.

Nice bones. Did you bring one home?


Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
That scenery sure looks pretty. But I'm more interested in the clam chowder sandwich. Did your parents invent this?
Cause my Mama uses a saying that goes "That's more F-ed up than a soup sandwich!"
If the clam chowder sandwich is for real, then I'm gonna have to tell her she can't use that saying anymore.
Murphy Dogg

wally said...

Ike. Must agree with you. You DO look handsome. And your jacket is way cool. Did you take any of those whale bones for chewing?

wally t.

ps. Clam Chowder sammich? Sounds delicious!

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

OMD and you didn't grab one of the whale bones?????? That is serious restraint, dude!

Achieve1dream said...

Cool whale bones!! Can I chew on one?


Sophie Brador said...

What a beautiful spot. I almost thought it was summer in your first picture. It is snowsville here and Graham is wearing his stupid looking coat. You look totally handsome in your coat. He looks like a dork in his.


Heather and Pumpkin said...

You look real handsome Ike!


Joe Stains said...

Dang dude, what a cool spot. You and your dad are both VERY handsome.

Lola Smiles said...

that pic of you looking at the sea is fantastic!!

Duke said...

Lummi Island is just gorgeous and we agree, you and your dad are very handsome, Ike!
Wow - imagine how long it would take to finish chewing on one of those bones!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

Cool pictures. That human does look handsome but you add a bit of spice to the picture...BOL..
Happy Friday
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Lummi Island sure is a pawesome place!
Whale bones?? I can imagine a good time chewing them!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

You are much better looking then your dad. No offense to him

Mack said...

Two handsome dudes!

Life With Dogs said...

Did you gnaw on one of those bones? ;)