Friday, August 28, 2009

I got my daddy back, daddy back, daddy back!

Ok, so my dad got home on Tuesday night and my mom hasn't helped me blog about it at all. I picked him up at the airport, and I was so excited I pretty much farted the whole ride home which is ok because my dad totally missed that. And he brought me to work twice this week because he missed me so much, and I met a tax auditor there, and she was afraid of me which I totally get because I'm a pretty mean looking guy.
My dad had an awesome time in Washington, and he had a job interview and then a sort of job shadowing type thing which wasn't an interview but these people are talking about taking on someone new for their landscape design and installation business because they want to get out of it in a few years and it's totally successful and they do really great work so my dad totally wants to be that guy to take over the business which would be the best because that means I will be rich. And if you own a business, you can do whatever you want like taking your handsome dog to work every day.
In other news - my eye is looking so much better! It's still a little hazy, but my mom said that's normal and it's getting way better.
In other not-so-great news, my mom hasn't been feeling well because she had an ectopic pregnancy and she had to get injections to miscarry which just happened. She stayed home from work for a whole week and I forgot she was sick so I pooped on the floor and ate it and then woke her up with poop-tongue kisses. I was kinda feeling bad about my dad being gone and I did a lot of floor pissing too. I guess I can be a tiny bit selfish sometimes, but now I don't have to deal with a baby because when people have babies, they don't help their dogs blog very much. But I want her to feel better so I am asking for feel-better vibes for her. But she is glad that she didn't have to have surgery which she almost had to which would be horrible.
And this is the face that I made when my dad got into the car at the airport.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I bet your daddy's face was almost as khute as THAT!

Fart away!


Checkers & Chess said...

that's quite a face Ike - bet your daddy was very happy to see you!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Sure you are happy to have your Dad back at home! Paws crossed he will get that job that sounds pawesome and you all will be rich soon!
Glad to know your eye is much better!
Please give your Mom kisses and hugs from us and take good care of her!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Ike, I am glad your Dad is back and that you greeted him properly in the car. Please tell your Mom that my Mom is praying for her and we hope she feels better soon.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Mack said...

I just know you will be making your mom feel better with your kisses and cuddles. She is in our thoughts and prayers.

And now MY dad is going away. But just for a week. I'll still sort of miss him though

That is great about your eye. Keep up the good farts!

Randi said...

Oh Ike...please give your mamma extra special kisses & snuggles but no poop tongue's the time to be Ike the Perfect Gentleman...We are thinking good thoughts & sending healing vibes her way...

I'm happy your Daddy is back home...& I"m sure he was thrilled to see you..your handsome face can be the new logo of the superduper rich company you are now in charge of!

Duke said...

We're thinking of your mom and sending lots of healing thoughts her way!
We're so glad your dad is back, Ike!

Wavin' at you from Nantucket,
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I am glad you are going to be rich! My master had his own business for many years, but we aren't rich. Not sure what happened there.

Poor mom! We are sending some good vibes her way.


Heather and Pumpkin said...

If you get to work in landscaping, I bet your daddy will put you to work digging lots of holes. That would be pretty fun!

I am happy to see your handsome face! Please take good care of your mommy.


Murphy Dogg said...

OMD Ike, there's so much info in that post I dunno where to start.
Dad home = great!
Farting = awesome!
Business = neat!
Eyeball = fantastic!
Mom's sickies = boo!
Pooping inside/eating poop/peeing on the floor = not too bad/very gross/normal for me
Murphy Dogg

pam said...

Oh Ike so much information in that little blog.

Yay for daddy
Kisses and love and prayers for mommy
Yay yer eye
Yay yer gonna be rich (send presents to Bobo and Meja C/O Michigan) k thx

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yea...Daddy in da house!! We love to do gasers. Mom holds her nose sometimes
Benny & Lily

Joe Stains said...

We are real sorry to hear about your Mom, give her lots of snugs from us ok? Good luck to your Dad with that job, that would rule!! We will do the name thing tomorrow, Tanner had to do his stupid interview today.

Achieve1dream said...

Aww I hope you mommy feels better soon. That must have been a scary and sad experience. :( Healing vibes coming your way.

wally said...

Oh Ike, I'm so glad that things are looking up for you and your eye and your dad's new maybe job and moving to a pawesome place. But I'd like to send special Wally kisses for your mom (and I am not affectionate with many apes). We hope she is feeling better soon and maybe do more of that smiling face and less of the poop kisses. That would help.

wally t.

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

WOW that is great newsies for your dad and I bet he missed your farts so so so so much!!!! We are sending lots of lovely farts to make your mom feel better... that happened to our uncles' girlfriend too and it makes us really sad. PUG HUGS!

Life With Dogs said...

I hope your mom is on the mend in a hurry. I don't know that farting and poo kisses will do the trick, but bless you for trying! :)

Achieve1dream said...

Ike, I tagged you for a fun little game. Check out my blog for details when you have time.


doyle and mollie said...

ike we are sorry to hear about your mom thats furry sad give her our loves ok

Huskee and Hershey said...

Gosh Ike.. you made me laugh non-stop about the part where you farted all the way from the airport back home!! LOL!!

Sorry to hear about your mom's ectopic pregnancy and the pain she had to go through. Please tell her my mom will be writing her an email after this.. my mom's been slack lately..

((kisses)) - with no poop

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

so happy your dad got home safe

Thanx again for all the support for Woodrow - hopefully the power of the paw will prevail - We are going to try and catch up on our bloggies today - but please be patient

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Mason Dixie said...

Sounds like your dad was real happy to be home. sorry to hear about your mum though, we will be thinking of her. =)

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike! I left you an award on my blog!

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