Friday, April 3, 2009

Grumpy dog.

Ok, so my mom has been taking pictures of me because she thinks I should update my blog, but sometimes I just don't feel like it and I just like looking at other blogs. Also, it's supposed to snow this weekend. WTF?


wally said...

Your fans do love the fo-tos of you and you really should think of us.


wally t.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I agree with Wally! I always love to see your pictures!
Good luck with the snow!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Um SNOW? Come to AZ dude, its pawesome.

Mason Dixie said...

I know SNOW!! so not looking forward to it. I was enjoying my Spring.

Lola Smiles said...

we've been really bad at it lately too! toooooo much tooooo dooooo!

ya look great! :)

Duke said...

Oh no, Ike! Our paws are crossed that the stoopid weatherman is wrong! Geez, it's spring! Doesn't he know this?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Are you guys gonna have any Spring??

Wally's right - your fans want more, more, more.

Sophie Brador said...

Ike! I love you and want to see more all the time.


Clover said...

Oh Ike, I sure hope you did not get any snow... yuck! I am hoping ours melts away soon, but I think we might get more this week too. :(
I love pictures of you, thank your mom for me!
Love Clover xo

Stanley said...


Work with the camera lady for just a few minutes, man. You'll totally make our YEAR if you do.

We avoided the snow here but the wind is a howlin'!

Goober love,

Dexter said...

I agree. I don't always want to pose and whatnot. Sometimes I just want to look at other doggies too and think about all the fun I miss stuck here on the estate with stupid Pee-Wee.

That said, there are no bad pictures of your small and handsome self.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh dear... hope that spring will be on it's way soon and you'll have some green grass to pee pee on.

Martha said...

You are so handsome! I love you! Did you get a lot of snow? We were supposed to but didn't get anything. But now it's cold and I hate it and I'm so ready for spring. Love, Martha

Petra said...

Yeah...we got snow at our house and it just wasn't right.