Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wearing Heels.

Ok, so Maggie and Mitch - those crazy Airedogs - gave me a very special award and here's what it means: "It's a special magical 'fairy tale' slipper bestowed on those who bring a little 'magic' into our lives via their blog's creativity!"

Thanks you two! I would like to pass this award on to my wife, Martha - of course!, Peanut - because he's super cool, and Mango because Mangominster was the highlight of this year and Deefor because he has to live with Arrow and there must be a little magic in his life to tolerate that! Oh, and I want Murphy to have it too, because he would think it's super sissy, and he will get all embarassed and stuff and then worry that other dogs think he's not as tough as he really is.


Duke said...

You wear the slipper so well, Ike! Great choices on the recipients!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Thanks for the award, little BT. I am hugely honored.


Joe Stains said...

You picked great recipients! Congrats to you. I hope things have returned to normal over there and the 'magic' Tanner brought your way is totally GONE.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs

Murphy Dogg said...

Crap. Does this mean I have to post the magic little foo-foo fairy shoe on my blog??
I will, cause I appreciate the honor, but I'm gonna have to find a super tough pic to post along with it, just so nobody thinks I'm going girly.
Murphy Dogg