Friday, March 6, 2009

A Major Award!

Ok, so I went to work with my dad today because Bunny wasn't there even though she's the Friday dog, and she's my dad's coworkers dog who my dad loves because she's a big, sweet pitbull. Anyway, when I got home, there was a package at the door addressed to yours truly: Ike Andy Thompson.
My mom opened the box and there were two packets of organic pumpkin treats which are awesome and my mom ate one because they say they have human-grade ingredients and my mom said they are delish! But the best part of the box was the major award from MangoMinster 2009! OMD - you won't believe it - it's a trophy engraved with my name! Woot! Thanks Mango for having the best contest DWBs has ever had! I love my award!!!!
My mom said I look 'proud as a peacock!'

Isn't it cool?

Nom, nom!

So I was asking my mom if I could start charging a stud fee now because I'm a champion show dog, and she said "it doesn't work like that for you now, Ike." I wonder what she means. Maybe it's because I'm married?

Edit: Aaaaawwww snap!: I forgot to wish one of my best friends and the dog responsible for this post A HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY 10th birthday! Hope Joeypalooza is great Mr. Stains!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


It is pawesome!

I have the same issue with my Happy Hearts mom keeps eating them too!


Lorenza said...

Congratulations Ike!
The award is pawesome! And I am sure the treats are delicious too!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

That is a cool award.
And yes you do look proud in that pic!

Dexter said...

Ike, dude!
Glad you like your award. You certainly look stunning posing with it.

My momma eats my cookies too.


wally said...

PAWWWWSOME! Way to go Ike! I think you should get a stud fee just for being such an all around stud.

wally t.

Murphy Dogg said...

Congrats Ike!
If anyone deserves a stud fee, you do! Maybe instead you can start posing nekkid and selling pics of your studliness to randy girl dogs.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. your new collar is RAD!

Joe Stains said...

Thanks dude. Guess what, my Dad is probably going to Minnesota at the end of the month to visit his Gramma! HOW COOL is that?! I asked if I could come along to hang with you but he said NO. He will be in Burnsville!

Mason Dixie said...

congratulations on your award, it is most awesome.


Duke said...

What a beautiful award, Ike! You'll treasure that forever! Congratulations once again on your win!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...


You've ALWAYS been a champion in my book, man, but that award is STINKIN' awesome! Almost as awesome as those punkin treats!

Goob love,

Lola Smiles said...

that is one wickey trophy! Be proud Ike baby! luv ya, Lola Smiles xox

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award!! You look so proud!