So this weekend we went on an overnight trip like totally spontaneously which pretty much never happens because my mom and dad are old and boring. But last night my mom was talking to Auntie Kathryn and she invited us to visit at her sister's place in Taylor's Falls which is this really cool little town by the bluffs on the river and it's like forever away and on a dirt road and I thought there were only dirt roads in Iowa. And when we got there I was really surprised to find some real craziness going on that you will only understand with pictures.
First, there was this.

Her name is Gaya and she pretty much stayed away from me because I'm so tough - my mom said it's because I'm an a*shole.
And then to make matters worse - they have this annoying little thing called Ruby who pretty much learned to stay away from me too.

But the worst thing was this - MOE! All the time he's all "hi Moe!" "hi Moe!" and blah blah blah totally showing off because he can talk and he snuggles with people and everyone thinks he's the best thing ever. Whatever.

But the worst of the worst was Moe gets all the best treats. Here he is eating coffee cake - coffee cake!

This is me telling Moe to buzz off but he didn't listen and just stole all the attention the whole time. All I have to say is "bye Moe!"

But he didn't get half a huge breakfast sausage like I did, and he didn't get to sleep in a tent with my mom and dad and curl up like a little jelly bean.
One of the best parts of the whole trip was me becoming an Olympic gold medal winner in the category of car farts! My mom and dad are still recovering and so is the sun roof on the car - it got quite a workout!