As the world slumbers...
As its guard is dropped in a false sense of security...
There is one who stalks the night, giving credence to the phrase "cat-like reflexes."
His name is Black Duncan...
and he in one with the night.
He is I.
I is.. I mean, I am...
Black Duncan.
And I am here to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you the inside story. The one that no Dog - especially a little brown one whose tongue is always sticking out like half-cooked bacon - wants you to see.
Prepare yourself for the shame - the embarrassment - the horror!
What follows is a renegade transmission from under the bed, I mean the Underground, where darkness resides and grows stronger each minute.
This video seems to be the awesome training video of a well-oiled Ninja machine, but the viewer quickly becomes silent witness to the bumbling mimicry of your beloved Ike.
I apologize for having to release this video and shatter the image you have of the "dog" you thought you knew. But the darkness could no longer conceal this shameful beast for the cat-wannabe he really is.
Without further ade.. adue... ad.. er.. waiting any longer...
Here is...
The Feather Wrangler
in stunning low-def.
There is no sound because I didn't want to shame him further with his screams of "Kee-yah," and "Ka-pow!"
His brown "ninja star" got so much camera time, it's a good thing we don't yet have the technology for smell-o-vision.
I would have gotten more footage, but he noticed the camera rolling and shut it off.
His middle name
should be "ant-catch-a-stupid-feather-toy"
Now THIS is what mad Ninja Skilz look like!
Black Duncan Out!