Saturday, January 30, 2010
Mango Minster Done!
So I spent the better part of today viewing and reviewing and judging and weighing and finally submitted my rulings for the Bad Sport category in Mango Minster. I just wanted to throw that you there to taunt you all because I'm not telling!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
This Is For You Contestants!
Ok, so in order for me to judge you fairly, I need everyone, and I mean everyone who entered or plans on entering the Bad Sport category in Mango Minster to do a posting about why you are such a bad sport - add a photo too because I'm very visually oriented. I am very, very disappointed with the turnout in the bribe department. I was offered a few bribes and there was a small amount of sucking up, but overall, the bad sportingness has been a real let down. Now I know you don't want to embarrass yourselves, but you want to win, right? Now get on your computers and tell me why you deserve to win this noble position! You have very small but dignified shoes to fill!
This is important - all entrants must leave a comment that they have done their post. I know one or two of you have already done your post, so please remind me if you have and I will go to your blog and re-read it before judging.
If you need an example of bad sportingness, this is a picture of me about to bark at Duncan for looking at me.
This is important - all entrants must leave a comment that they have done their post. I know one or two of you have already done your post, so please remind me if you have and I will go to your blog and re-read it before judging.
If you need an example of bad sportingness, this is a picture of me about to bark at Duncan for looking at me.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
The bribes and sucking up abound!
So the bad sports are really sucking up to me for Mango Minster, which is pretty pawesome! I just want everydog who enters to know that the most integrity sacrificing, low-down, unbecoming bribe is really going to earn a lot of points for this category. I've been offered pizza delivery, money and many other things, but none of the ladies have come through with anything lascivious - keep it to yourself TaiChi, I'm not into cougars! So come on ladies and gents - show me what bad sports you truly are! When it comes closer to judging, it would be helpful if all entrants would do a post about what a bad sport you actually are - exaggerating and outright lying will obviously be tolerated if not encouraged.
And this pic shows how big my brain is from thinking really hard.
And this pic shows how big my brain is from thinking really hard.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Calling All Bad Sports!
Ok, so there are like only a few Bad Sport entries in Mangominster which is totes lame. So if you like to tinkle on the floor a little or maybe go after a dog or two, consider yourself a bad sport! Maybe you steal a cookie from your dad's plate or eat a bit of poo (your own or cats') or you fart -burp in your mom's face after eating said delicious poo - call yourself a bad sport! Perhaps you like to chase a cat for fun or fart in the car in the winter so your riders need to roll the windows down and freeze their butts off! Bad sports aren't bad dogs, they just totes have tons of personality!
Enter Mangominster under Bad Sports now so I can judge you!
Where are you all you bad sports?
Enter Mangominster under Bad Sports now so I can judge you!
Where are you all you bad sports?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Go and enter now! I am the Bad Sports judge, and I will not, I repeat, will not be swayed by compliments or bribes or any other unsportsdoglike behavior! No treat or toy could alter my unbiased judging! But it doesn't hurt to try! Let the games begin!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Help Stormy and Grindel!
My mom was surfing Petfinder - grrrrrr! - and she ran across this adorable Boston who got lost in Washington! If you know where she is, help her find her way home!
This is from Petfinder:
"If you have seen her please, please, PLEASE call me at 425 244 1519. She is my baby girl and I have had her since I was 12... Please I need her to come home..."
And Grindel is lost too!

"Please call Stuart at 206-295-9223 if you have seen our Grindel."

"If you have seen her please, please, PLEASE call me at 425 244 1519. She is my baby girl and I have had her since I was 12... Please I need her to come home..."
And Grindel is lost too!

"Please call Stuart at 206-295-9223 if you have seen our Grindel."
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy new year everypup! I'm in Vanpoover and I have diarrhea - isn't that ironic? My mom and dad's friends are here from Minneapolis and we drove up to Vancouver for new years where I stayed in my kennel in the hotel - WTF? More later - over and out!
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