Whoa - so you know how I moved across the country like over two weeks ago and I said I would post a photo journal and talk about how awesome it was and all that other stuff? Well, my mom said she 'finally has the time' to help me with it. So much has happened since I moved that I don't even feel like you guys even know me anymore - I mean, I am totally a different dog and stuff.
Ok, so here we go: leaving was pretty much the sadderest thing ever because we left my Grandpa, and my Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Ansel. We said goodbye like a hundred times and hugged a lot and then cried and then talked about it then hugged and then cried and then did that all over again. It was really sad. Like really sad. But the super cool thing was that it had snowed overnight, so my mom was all 'I think we're doing the right thing here because snow in the second week on October is totally wrong.'
So this is a pic of me as copilot of the huge moving van, but I'm pretty sure I'm autopilot. My mom and my grandma - she's living here with us now - drove in the car with the cats in my metal house in the back seat. And the funniest thing happened. Duncan decided to sleep in the litter box the whole time and Saffron was all 'Duncan, I gotta poo', and Duncan didn't move so Saffron pooped all over his tail and it was diarrhea! And the next day, Duncan didn't learn, and it happened again!!!!

This are pics of me in the really big truck.

And this is a pic of me in the Badlands in South Dakota which was really pawesome because it was like mountains but they are made of dirt. It's pretty much the coolest place in SD but it was super cold so we only went out for a few minutes so I wouldn't freeze to death. And then my mom and grandma went to Wall Drug and my dad stayed in the truck because he didn't want to be one of tourist people. Whatever. They make pawesome doughnuts there and I got to eat some of one.

This is as a deer I found there.

And then it got really, really cold when we were driving.

And it kept snowing and got icy and this happened to the lug nuts on the tires.

And then we stayed in a motel which was awesome because I really like staying in motels. And the cats were happy because they got to be out of the cage and my grandma's cat, Lorraine, was happy too because her little cage is little. I've tried to be friends with Lorraine because she's a manx like me, but she pretty much hates me.
And this is a picture of me guarding the truck because my food was in it.

And this is the morning when we slept in Montana!

It sure it a pretty place!

We also drove through Wyoming and Idaho but my dad didn't take any pics.
And this is a pic of my mom's car - see Saffron in the back window!

When we got to Washington, we had to stay at my Uncle Greg and Auntie Hyunjoo's house and they have two little girls named Ella and Jina. They are super sweet but they move really fast and scare the crap out of me so I'm not allowed to be around them.
After four days in Bellingham, we found a house and you can see the bay from our bedroom window and it's a super cute bungalow and my grandma loves it and all the cats love it too.
Odin got really, really sick and dehydrated so we took him to the Cat Clinic and they gave him injectable medicines and subcutaneous fluids for my mom to give him at home, and then Lorraine got really, really sick and had to go to the emergency room because we didn't have enough medicine of Odin's left, and then we went to the Cat Clinic the next day and got the same medicines that Odin got and now they are both ok. The doctors think they picked up a corona virus at the gross motels, and Odi got sick because he's 15 and Lorraine got sick because she was bottle raised by my mom and she didn't get mother's immunity and pretty much has only been in one place her whole life. And then my mom got a job at the Cat Clinic! No dogs! I don't know what she was thinking!
I'll post a pic of our house later because my mom can't find the one she took.
And another thing, a few days ago I went down to the bay with my mom and grandma and I saw a dog and pulled away from my mom and sort of attacked her but I didn't hurt her and she didn't hurt me but my mom has been talking to a trainer who is going to come over. Hrmph.
And we went up to Mount Baker today, and my dad took this totally pawesome pic.