Ok, so when I walk outside, it's all ice because we had like one warm day a few days ago and a bunch of the snow melted but didn't have anywhere to go, so when it got super cold like it is now, it all turned to ice. So when I walk, I slip like Bambi and it's hard to lift my leg to pee so I've been squatting and I pee all over my front leg which my mom isn't too crazy about. Does anyone else have such bad weather that they urinate on themselves - sheesh, I can't wait to move!
And here are some pictures from Christmas:
This is a picture of me in my crown from a Christmas cracker.

And this is a picture of me wearing my new shades, bandanna and flight jacket that my friend Tom bought me. Thanks Tom!

And this is a really embarassing pic that my dad took of me falling asleep during a nail trim and my mom insisted on showing it because she wants everyone to see how good I am for nail trimmies. Whatever.