Ok, so we went down to where the GOP convention was, except we couldn't really get down there because they have the whole area fenced off for like 5 blocks and you can't go in unless you are military, a cop or a republican fascist! And then when my mom and I were trying to walk back to the car, they closed the street where the car was parked and my mom was way pissed off because isn't that taking away our civil liberties to not allow us to be in so many parts of our own neighborhood?
But something cool did happen today. My mom and dad were driving by where the fences are and my dad saw this guy who he recognized and he totally loves and he was all "Hey is that
Eugene Robinson?" And Eugene Robinson was like "yeah." And my dad was all "Dude, you're awesome!" And the really funny thing is my dad was driving and sticking his head out the sunroof of the car when they were talking which is totally unsafe, but that's how much my dad loves this guy.
And this is a pic of Eugene Robinson!

And this is a pic of me looking at the National Guard guys in riot gear going "dudes, seriously - we're just a bunch of peace-loving hippies!"

And they went on forever until the big fence, and on the other side of the road was a bunch of cops in riot gear too.

And this is a pic of me
Barking for Barack in my Obama bandana that my mom made for me with a sticker and some staples. Nice, Mom.

And then we went on a walk for an hour which was awesome and we ran into this ranting guy in an Obama t-shirt and he was talking about how he hates racists (so do I!) and then he saw my Obama bandana and thought it was pretty cool.